[Csnd-dev] Factors determining latency
Date | 2017-05-02 09:34 |
From | Anders Genell |
Subject | [Csnd-dev] Factors determining latency |
Dear devs! I'd like if I may to tap into the huge collective knowledge concerning computer audio in general and Csound in particular that this forum represents. Thanks to your generous support and suggestions we now successfully apply the Csound API to generate sound for our vehicle driving simulator. It uses OpenAL to spatialize sound and we (i.e. my programmer colleagues) have written a small program that polls for how many AL-buffers have been consumed and runs the corresponding number of performKsmps() iterations to generate enough audio to refill empty buffers. One thing we are investigating though is the possibility to reduce latency. With the current setup we have a latency of about 350ms from pressing a button in our simulator vehicle cabin to onset of sound generated by Csound. We have file playback functionally independent of Csound (it basically takes a wav file and copies audio data from it into AL-buffers), and when triggering a file playback with the same vehicle cabin button the latency is about 150ms. The button-press is registered by a vehicle dynamics simulation program on a dedicated computer that then sends an udp message to the audio computer, som some delay is expected, but we would like to minimize the difference in latency between file playback and streaming Csound audio. As we use performKsmps() (and access audio from spinout) we do not rely on -B or -b flags etc. ksmps currently set to 512 and the AL buffers are 2048 bytes. Right now we use 4 AL-buffers, so that's 4x2048. As fast as I understand, AL (or in our case OpenAL-soft), does Ambisonic decoding of the spatial coordinates provided from the program using the lib to whatever speaker setup that is defined in the AL configuration file, so I guess the is one additional buffer worth of latency before copying to audio hardware, but that should be the same for audio files and streaming audio. Any suggestions and ideas about where we could shave off a few millliseconds of latency would be greatly appreciated! Best regards, |
Date | 2017-05-02 13:37 |
From | Michael Gogins |
Subject | Re: [Csnd-dev] Factors determining latency |
Reduce ksmps to about 20. I have measured very little increase in computational efficiency with ksmps higher than that. You might also consider getting rid of OpenAL and doing your spatialization in Csound. Also the sample playback. But perhaps OpenAL is better for your speaker rigs. Csound on its own should be able to do synthesis, sample playback, and spatialization with about 3 to 5 ms latency. Another option if you need to use OpenAL is to invert control, use OpenAL as opcodes for processing audio inside the Csound performance loop. I don't know how hard that would be but it must be possible. If OpenAL needs a "device" consider writing a device driver to make Csound such a device. Hope this helps, Mike On May 2, 2017 04:34, "Anders Genell" <anders.genell@gmail.com> wrote: Dear devs! |
Date | 2017-05-02 13:51 |
From | Victor Lazzarini |
Subject | Re: [Csnd-dev] Factors determining latency |
In my opinion, you need to minimise the IO buffersize as much as possible, then look at ksmps. If you could achieve a buffer of 64 frames, with ksmps = 32, you would be near to millisecond latency.
Victor Lazzarini Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy
Maynooth University
Date | 2017-05-02 21:13 |
From | Oeyvind Brandtsegg |
Subject | Re: [Csnd-dev] Factors determining latency |
Hi Anders, It looks to me as if your latency in practice is larger than what you should expect from the buffer sizes you use. A ksmps of 512 should give you around 11 milliseconds latency at 44.1 kHz (and lower latency if your sr is higher). Even the outer OpenAL buffering of 2048 samples should not give you anything more than 46 millisecs. So the 350 millisecs you have must be caused by something else. Adjusting the Csound ksmps might reduce the resulting latency somewhat , but I think it reasonable to look at other things that might cause the big delay. Perhaps there is something in the routine that " polls for how many AL-buffers have been consumed and runs the corresponding number of performKsmps() iterations to generate enough audio to refill empty buffers." ? Also, as Michael suggests, if you can try running the audio directly out of Csound it might be faster/easier. If nothing else, you could try it as a test case, to see in practice what latency you get from Csound. And btw. what platform/OS is this? Can you run other audio processes with very low latency? (< 10 ms or so). Can you try running Csound on its own, without any of the other simulator components? Just using the button to trigger a Csound instrument directly. And, come to think of it (guessing, since I don't know the full system you have), could there me some latency in the signal chain from the button trigger you use as well? I know none of these things will explain the difference in latency between the direct sample playback and the Csound output, but, ... or, hey, if the routine calling performKsmps() has some issues that might explain the difference in latency there. Good luck. You'll find it. 2017-05-02 5:51 GMT-07:00 Victor Lazzarini <Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie>:
Oeyvind Brandtsegg Professor of Music Technology NTNU 7491 Trondheim Norway Cell: +47 92 203 205 http://www.partikkelaudio.com/ http://crossadaptive.hf.ntnu.no http://gdsp.hf.ntnu.no/ http://soundcloud.com/brandtsegg http://flyndresang.no/ http://soundcloud.com/t-emp |
Date | 2017-05-02 22:50 |
From | Steven Yi |
Subject | Re: [Csnd-dev] Factors determining latency |
Do you need to have 4 buffers of 2048? Is that in series? Also, what version of Csound are you using? On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 4:13 PM, Oeyvind Brandtsegg |
Date | 2017-05-02 22:54 |
From | Oeyvind Brandtsegg |
Subject | Re: [Csnd-dev] Factors determining latency |
Oh, I missed that it was indeed 4x2048, that would more or less account for the ~150 millisecs latency (if you use 48kHz it would be around 170 ms). How do you measure the latency? 2017-05-02 14:50 GMT-07:00 Steven Yi <stevenyi@gmail.com>: Do you need to have 4 buffers of 2048? Is that in series? Also, what Oeyvind Brandtsegg Professor of Music Technology NTNU 7491 Trondheim Norway Cell: +47 92 203 205 http://www.partikkelaudio.com/ http://crossadaptive.hf.ntnu.no http://gdsp.hf.ntnu.no/ http://soundcloud.com/brandtsegg http://flyndresang.no/ http://soundcloud.com/t-emp |
Date | 2017-05-10 15:19 |
From | Anders Genell |
Subject | Re: [Csnd-dev] Factors determining latency |
Dear all! I just wanted to update a little on what happened with this so far. The size of the OpenAL-buffer can theoretically be chosen freely, but as we neet to poll OpenAL for processed (and thus empty) buffers, there is a relationship between at what rate we run our main loop and how often we (can) ask f about buffers. In addition, AL has a setting for period size that is 1024 bytes(?) by default. By reducing it to 512 we were able to ask for buffers more often, thus increasing main loop frequency and thus reducing minimum buffer size. We use four buffers as per recommendation in AL api documentation, but we can probably reduce that to two, as we have for sound file playback. Strictly speaking we don't even need AL as spatialization could be handled by csound, but there are many wills involved and many policies to take into account, so spatialization is doomed to be handled outside of csound. It doesn't have to be OpenAL, it could be something else, but it needs to be an independent module. All in all we have a few things to try out. Thank you all for you help! Regards, Anders On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 11:54 PM, Oeyvind Brandtsegg <oyvind.brandtsegg@ntnu.no> wrote: