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2004-07-18 08:04stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:5014] sssfinit being called?
2004-07-17 19:54"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:5013] vst4cs
2004-07-17 19:49"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:5012] RE: Matt's pconvolve opcode
2004-07-17 19:44jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:5011] Matt's pconvolve opcode
2004-07-16 14:22iain duncan [CSOUND-DEV:5010] One more API idea.
2004-07-16 14:18iain duncan [CSOUND-DEV:5009] Csound API issues for virtual controller
2004-07-15 20:34"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:5001] FW: Re: Lindenmayer question
2004-07-15 20:21"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:5000] RE: SV: python inside csound instr ?
2004-07-15 19:44steven yi [CSOUND-DEV:4997] Opcode arg-types, Operators
2004-07-15 16:53"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4993] Re: vst4cs
2004-07-15 08:05stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:4989] buffer underruns and --sched on linux
2004-07-15 06:03stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:4987] Polymorphic Opcodes
2004-07-15 04:13"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4984] vst4cs
2004-07-15 02:51"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4982] Re: can't write to cvs
2004-07-14 21:41"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4979] RE: Diagnosing Csound5
2004-07-14 21:26"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4978] RE: CsoundVST: SWIG Version?
2004-07-14 15:03"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4972] RE: Diagnosing Csound5
2004-07-14 14:53"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4971] RE: CsoundVST: SWIG Version?
2004-07-14 14:51"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4970] RE: ASIO and mingw report
2004-07-14 14:51"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4969] Re: vst4cs
2004-07-14 14:46"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4968] RE: A very silly question
2004-07-14 09:44stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:4964] Diagnosing Csound5
2004-07-14 05:39stevenyi [CSOUND-DEV:4963] CsoundVST: SWIG Version?
2004-07-14 04:05"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4960] vst4cs
2004-07-14 01:23"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4959] Re: Creating zip files from scons
2004-07-13 22:06"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4956] Re: Creating zip files from scons
2004-07-13 19:42jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:4954] Cs5 OSX update
2004-07-13 13:13"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4951] Re: scons on mac
2004-07-13 13:10"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4950] Re: Creating zip files from scons
2004-07-13 12:12"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4948] Re: ASIO working with mingw
2004-07-13 12:09"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4947] Re: vst4cs not working
2004-07-13 10:48jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:4944] Creating zip files from scons
2004-07-13 03:29"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4932] Re: vst4cs not working
2004-07-13 02:43"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4929] Re: scons on mac
2004-07-13 00:55"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4927] Re: scons on mac
2004-07-13 00:41"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4926] Re: Thinking aloud on MIDI
2004-07-12 21:55iainduncan@telus.net[CSOUND-DEV:4925] macro enhancement suggestion
2004-07-12 20:47jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:4923] scons on mac
2004-07-12 20:45"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4922] RE: [Csnd] vst4cs 0.1alpha
2004-07-12 18:36"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4918] RE: [Csnd] vst4cs 0.1alpha
2004-07-12 18:01"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4916] RE: [Csnd] vst4cs 0.1alpha
2004-07-12 14:53"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4913] RE: [Csnd] vst4cs 0.1alpha
2004-07-12 07:38jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:4910] Thinking aloud on MIDI
2004-07-10 21:28"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4908] schedwhen
2004-07-10 16:50"gogins@pipeline.com" [CSOUND-DEV:4907] schedwhen -- attention John ffitch
2004-07-10 12:13jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:4905] cs5 on macOSx
2004-07-08 22:04jpff@codemist.co.uk[CSOUND-DEV:4899] Arhh!!!!
2004-07-08 20:14"Matt J. Ingalls" [CSOUND-DEV:4897] a strange bug
2004-07-08 02:29"Michael Gogins" [CSOUND-DEV:4895] Re: Opcodes in v4 and v5
2004-07-07 21:42"Art Hunkins" [CSOUND-DEV:4894] Re: Opcodes in v4 and v5