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[CSOUND-DEV:5010] One more API idea.

Date2004-07-16 14:22
Fromiain duncan
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5010] One more API idea.
oops, forgot one I meant to mention.

Could it be possible to pass midi events through to csound with the api? 
This would be nice because the controller app embedding csound could be 
the initial receiver of midi input, checking it and transforming it 
according to user settings, perhaps interpreting certain messages for 
it's own purposes, and then passing the "playing" messages on through to 

I accomplished much the same thing in my own instruments by translating 
from midi to score language after the filtering stage, and then 
controlling the playing instruments with score events acting like midi 
events, but it did require a lot of wacky csound coding to simulate the 
effects of note off or to limit polyphony.
