2004-07-30 08:31 | Anthony Kozar | [CSOUND-DEV:5121] New Mac file releases and CVS imports |
2004-07-30 02:36 | "Art Hunkins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5120] Re: [Csnd] Schedwhen v schedkwhen |
2004-07-29 11:54 | iain duncan | [CSOUND-DEV:5119] csound5 pdf suggestions |
2004-07-29 04:17 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5118] Re: custom.py for begginers |
2004-07-28 21:19 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5112] RE: Csound 4.23f12.2 released and Csound 5 installation |
2004-07-28 02:12 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5109] File release of CsoundVST in Csound 5 |
2004-07-28 02:06 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5108] Re: Problem building CsoundVST |
2004-07-28 00:18 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5106] Re: [Csnd] Python opcodes added to CsoundVST |
2004-07-27 14:13 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5105] Re: [Csnd] Python opcodes added to CsoundVST |
2004-07-26 01:03 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5103] Re: New release of CsoundVST for Windows/mingw |
2004-07-25 23:22 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5101] Re: New release of CsoundVST for Windows/mingw |
2004-07-25 21:53 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5099] New release of CsoundVST for Windows/mingw |
2004-07-25 14:55 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5098] RE: Python for hosting Csound |
2004-07-25 02:55 | iainduncan@telus.net | [CSOUND-DEV:5097] Python for hosting Csound |
2004-07-25 02:25 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5096] RE: (no subject) |
2004-07-24 22:35 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5095] Python opcodes added to CsoundVST |
2004-07-24 22:29 | jpff@codemist.co.uk | [CSOUND-DEV:5094] (no subject) |
2004-07-24 21:21 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5093] Python opcodes added to CsoundVST |
2004-07-23 06:37 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5089] Loris and Loris opcodes for Csound 5 (USE_DOUBLE) on Windows |
2004-07-22 22:38 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5088] RE: usa strings |
2004-07-22 22:21 | "Matt J. Ingalls" | [CSOUND-DEV:5087] usa strings |
2004-07-22 14:35 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5084] RE: vst4cs Compatibilty |
2004-07-21 18:46 | "Art Hunkins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5081] Re: WinCsound5 |
2004-07-21 15:02 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5080] Re: WinCsound5 |
2004-07-21 05:07 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5078] vst4cs - renamed opcodes |
2004-07-21 01:52 | "Art Hunkins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5076] Fw: Re: WinCsound5 |
2004-07-21 01:49 | "Art Hunkins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5075] Re: WinCsound5 |
2004-07-21 01:12 | "Art Hunkins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5074] Re: WinCsound5 |
2004-07-21 00:03 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5073] Re: WinCsound5 |
2004-07-20 23:54 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5072] Re: Csound5 file release with vst4cs |
2004-07-20 22:32 | steven yi | [CSOUND-DEV:5070] OPCODELIB64 ? |
2004-07-20 19:00 | "Art Hunkins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5066] WinCsound5 |
2004-07-20 09:03 | jpff@codemist.co.uk | [CSOUND-DEV:5063] OSC opcodes |
2004-07-20 03:29 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5059] Csound5 file release with vst4cs |
2004-07-19 20:00 | "Art Hunkins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5056] Re: listserv problems? |
2004-07-19 18:27 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5052] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-19 18:24 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5051] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-19 18:23 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5050] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-19 18:12 | Anthony Kozar | [CSOUND-DEV:5053] listserv problems? |
2004-07-19 17:34 | acabrera@teleset.com.co | [CSOUND-DEV:5043] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-19 15:15 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5038] Re: New MacCsound 1.1 alpha 1 |
2004-07-19 15:12 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5037] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-19 15:10 | "Art Hunkins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5036] Re: New MacCsound 1.1 alpha 1 |
2004-07-19 05:38 | "Michael Gogins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5030] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-19 02:31 | "Art Hunkins" | [CSOUND-DEV:5026] Re: New MacCsound 1.1 alpha 1 |
2004-07-18 20:56 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5022] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-18 20:54 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5021] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-18 20:35 | jcomajuncosas@wanadoo.es | [CSOUND-DEV:5020] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-18 19:18 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5018] Re: vst4cs |
2004-07-18 16:25 | "gogins@pipeline.com" | [CSOUND-DEV:5016] Re: vst4cs |