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[CSOUND-DEV:5119] csound5 pdf suggestions

Date2004-07-29 11:54
Fromiain duncan
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5119] csound5 pdf suggestions
I noticed today that the csound5 pdf ( at least the one bundled in the 
latest mingw zip ) does not have any version numbers mentioned where it 
talks about installing scons, portaudio, libsndfile, and python. I think 
it would be a good idea to have that there considering that some package 
managers don't necessarily use the latest ones.

I had to redo my whole system a while back, so I am now on a clean 
gentoo system. I'm going to install Csound5 as if I am a martian reading 
the csound5.pdf and keep notes on problems that still remain.
