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2013-02-18 12:10john ffitch [Cs-dev] more on testing of cs6
2013-02-15 17:50john ffitch [Cs-dev] Seeking testers for Csound6
2013-02-12 04:44Andres Cabrera [Cs-dev] Build errors on tests
2013-02-07 14:27dudat [Cs-dev] build biquad filter with delay opcode
2013-02-07 09:15joachim heintz [Cs-dev] CS6 - strings in score lines
2013-02-05 18:40john ffitch [Cs-dev] Legacy machines
2013-02-01 16:54Steven Yi [Cs-dev] CS6 - Unit Tests, Integration Tests
2013-01-31 16:03Edward Costello [Cs-dev] Using pvoc file handling functions in the API
2013-01-27 19:21Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Windows build broken
2013-01-23 01:15Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Windows installer
2013-01-17 02:17Pete Goodeve [Cs-dev] Odd new glitch
2013-01-08 06:37Andres Cabrera [Cs-dev] typed variables
2013-01-06 22:22john ffitch [Cs-dev] cs5.19 sources on SF
2013-01-06 22:09pete.goodeve@computer.org[Cs-dev] mkdb crashing
2013-01-06 11:53Rory Walsh [Cs-dev] casting in Java??...
2013-01-06 11:25john ffitch [Cs-dev] CS 5.19 release
2013-01-05 14:55Rory Walsh [Cs-dev] csoundTableGet() with Java on Android?
2013-01-04 16:10Anders Genell [Cs-dev] 5.19
2013-01-03 18:11Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Csound 5 build broke just no
2013-01-03 16:49john ffitch [Cs-dev] Progress towards Csound6
2012-12-31 15:38john ffitch [Cs-dev] Another feature of Csound6
2012-12-29 19:46Dave Phillips [Cs-dev] a loopseq problem
2012-12-28 17:31michael.gogins@gmail.comRe: [Cs-dev]
2012-12-28 11:15menno [Cs-dev] csound manual
2012-12-28 04:15Pete Goodeve [Cs-dev] ipMIDI in Csound
2012-12-27 10:40joachim heintz [Cs-dev] new url for csound git?
2012-12-24 14:43john ffitch [Cs-dev] chnset error
2012-12-24 14:34john ffitch [Cs-dev] chnset hanging on Linux
2012-12-21 19:27michael.gogins@gmail.comRe: [Cs-dev]
2012-12-21 16:13jpff [Cs-dev] Realtime audio output problem in 5.18-gnu-win32-d
2012-12-20 17:01Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] some developments in Csound 6
2012-12-20 00:03Steven Yi [Cs-dev] Issue on Debian 64-bit
2012-12-14 12:03Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Big in newer builds with FL widgets (from fl.csd in examples)
2012-12-09 17:49john ffitch [Cs-dev] Suggested plugins
2012-12-07 19:27jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk[Cs-dev] [Fwd: [csound:manual] #17 loopseg and loopxseg]
2012-12-07 05:19Andres Cabrera [Cs-dev] ifdef never
2012-12-06 23:40Pete Goodeve [Cs-dev] sf_GMbank.sf2?
2012-12-06 05:58Andres Cabrera [Cs-dev] LINKAGE
2012-12-05 11:47jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk[Cs-dev] Upgrade completed
2012-12-05 11:24jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk[Cs-dev] [Fwd: SourceForge Project Upgrade Notification]
2012-12-04 09:58SourceForge.net [Cs-dev] [ csound-Manual-3585043 ] loopseg and loopxseg
2012-12-03 19:50SourceForge.net [Cs-dev] [ csound-Feature Requests-3588924 ] --ogg on Android
2012-12-01 17:12Steven Yi [Cs-dev] Using a RamDisk
2012-12-01 13:35menno [Cs-dev] nchmls broken?
2012-11-30 19:23Anders Genell [Cs-dev] socksend on windows (again)
2012-11-28 21:48"Pete G." [Cs-dev] Csound for Haiku
2012-11-28 19:49SourceForge.net [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3582860 ] tabmorph(i) issue
2012-11-28 13:02Rory Walsh [Cs-dev] Strange issue with csoundGetTable()
2012-11-27 13:50jpff [Cs-dev] Help with syntax
2012-11-27 13:31jpff [Cs-dev] Help with syntax