2013-03-27 12:29 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] cs6 build problem |
2013-03-26 20:22 | PINOT Francois | [Cs-dev] Manual6 |
2013-03-26 06:14 | Steven Yi | [Cs-dev] Heads Up: Compiler internals change |
2013-03-25 18:21 | Andres Cabrera | [Cs-dev] Compilation warning |
2013-03-19 00:04 | Oeyvind Brandtsegg | [Cs-dev] Cs6 test binary? |
2013-03-18 05:26 | Andres Cabrera | [Cs-dev] More members in CSOUND_PARAMS |
2013-03-18 05:15 | Andres Cabrera | [Cs-dev] sample size functions |
2013-03-18 05:08 | Andres Cabrera | [Cs-dev] debug mode |
2013-03-17 23:24 | Felipe Sateler | [Cs-dev] Csound6 git url? |
2013-03-17 19:32 | Michael Gogins | [Cs-dev] MinGW/WIndows |
2013-03-17 04:49 | Andres Cabrera | [Cs-dev] Header directory change (Heads up) |
2013-03-16 16:48 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] csound6: string array example fails |
2013-03-15 03:27 | dp51 | [Cs-dev] 6.00alpha2 - request to keep API_lock when calling
csoundReset() |
2013-03-12 01:15 | dp51 | [Cs-dev] Csound 6.00alpha2 if then error: too many input args |
2013-03-11 07:47 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] sine table as default for standard oscillators? |
2013-03-10 14:32 | john ffitch | [Cs-dev] Help request on MinGW |
2013-03-09 20:48 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] until not working in a udo |
2013-03-09 19:59 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] csound 6: how to specify an array in an udo? |
2013-03-09 18:45 | James Hearon | [Cs-dev] cs6, alpha2 |
2013-03-09 17:05 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] bug in k-rate udo strings |
2013-03-09 07:36 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] t-variables and arrays in csound 6 |
2013-03-08 22:35 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] csound 6: two questions about arrays |
2013-03-08 22:06 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] more csound6 tests |
2013-03-08 21:20 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] csound6 alpha: stockhausen studie II not happy |
2013-03-08 20:46 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] csound5 alpha: more string tests |
2013-03-07 08:14 | Francois PINOT | Re: [Cs-dev] STKShakers and STKStifKarp |
2013-03-06 15:50 | menno | [Cs-dev] STKShakers and STKStifKarp |
2013-03-05 20:17 | peiman khosravi | [Cs-dev] CPU difference csound5 vs csound6 [was Re: [Csnd] Re:
Design for a multi-channel Embedded DSP project.] |
2013-03-04 20:59 | Jason Timm | [Cs-dev] csound6 & OSC |
2013-03-04 19:00 | Steven Yi | [Cs-dev] CS6: Strings fixed |
2013-03-03 18:42 | James Hearon | [Cs-dev] stk |
2013-03-03 14:57 | Michael Gogins | [Cs-dev] CS_PDS now ambiguous |
2013-03-03 13:44 | xharx | [Cs-dev] Error compiling with buildLuaOpcodes=1 |
2013-03-03 09:38 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] csound 6 alpha tests |
2013-03-03 02:10 | Michael Gogins | [Cs-dev] Csound 6 string initialization bug |
2013-03-02 23:23 | michael.gogins@gmail.com | Re: [Cs-dev] |
2013-03-02 23:03 | Victor Lazzarini | [Cs-dev] where are these used? |
2013-03-02 16:55 | Michael Gogins | [Cs-dev] 64 bit architecture |
2013-03-02 13:11 | Felipe Sateler | [Cs-dev] warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned
type [-Woverflow] |
2013-03-01 10:47 | michael.gogins@gmail.com | Re: [Cs-dev] |
2013-03-01 06:45 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] csound 6 test: floss manual examples |
2013-02-28 14:06 | Victor Lazzarini | [Cs-dev] sections in csound.h |
2013-02-28 00:54 | peiman khosravi | [Cs-dev] csound6 alpha --sample-accurate error |
2013-02-27 00:19 | Tim Lukens | [Cs-dev] Licensing question |
2013-02-26 23:37 | pete.goodeve@computer.org | [Cs-dev] Csound Mimetypes |
2013-02-26 19:45 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] cs6 - multiple strings in a scoreline test |
2013-02-26 18:15 | menno | [Cs-dev] quickref and examples manual issue |
2013-02-26 11:25 | peiman khosravi | [Cs-dev] ATScross issue |
2013-02-26 11:05 | joachim heintz | [Cs-dev] cs6 arrays |
2013-02-25 15:13 | john ffitch | [Cs-dev] cmake on Debian |