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2015-11-03 02:52Christopher Bailey Re: "failed to open file" --- reasons other than filename error
2015-11-02 20:58Christopher Bailey Re: "failed to open file" --- reasons other than filename error
2015-11-01 22:30Christopher Bailey Re: "failed to open file" --- reasons other than filename error
2015-11-01 21:25Art Hunkins Re: New track: Enchanted woods
2015-11-01 21:04Christopher Bailey Re: "failed to open file" --- reasons other than filename error
2015-11-01 19:00Christopher Bailey "failed to open file" --- reasons other than filename error
2015-11-01 13:57"jpff,,," Administivia
2015-10-30 22:49Anton Kholomiov New track: Enchanted woods
2015-10-30 14:41Anton Kholomiov New release Csound-expression 4.9 is out
2015-10-29 05:49Kelly Hirai factory pattern for signal processors
2015-10-29 05:12Tim Mortimer pycalln & adsynt / adsynt2 - effective combinations / limitations etc...
2015-10-28 22:10Victor Lazzarini utility 'pvanal' not found
2015-10-27 22:48ebmtranceboy Re: Beating (following)
2015-10-27 18:24COCHEDELAFERTE Beating (following)
2015-10-27 10:30Menno Knevel PNG
2015-10-27 05:09Kevin Welsh limiting values in a function table
2015-10-26 15:30Aaron Krister Johnson tuning and wgpluck/wgpluck2
2015-10-25 20:08Tarmo Johannes udp listener startup time
2015-10-25 19:06Bernt Isak WærstadString p-fields in subinstr
2015-10-25 14:29Tarmo Johannes rezzy explodes above and below certain cutoff frequencies
2015-10-25 00:55ebmtranceboy Re: Beat effect ?
2015-10-24 22:21COCHEDELAFERTE Beat effect ?
2015-10-24 20:38ebmtranceboy Re: Record all events into text file
2015-10-24 16:54Hlöðver SigurðssonRecord all events into text file
2015-10-23 16:43Anton Kholomiov Csound in the Rock music
2015-10-23 15:02Anthony Palomba Installing python components of csound
2015-10-22 17:10andy fillebrown Csound Success Story
2015-10-20 13:36Esteban Viveros CsoundQt-d-py-cs6 Mac issue
2015-10-18 09:46Zohar Argaman [Csound] reading source code
2015-10-17 20:43Kevin Welsh [Csound] sprintf with static format
2015-10-17 20:41joachim heintz [Csound] subject header in new csound list
2015-10-17 19:49Kevin Welsh [Csound] bug: can't use ternary operator with strings?
2015-10-17 11:28Kevin Welsh [Csound] idea: chnset to multiple channels
2015-10-17 11:19Kevin Welsh [Csound] idea: switch/case statements
2015-10-17 01:07Robert or Gretchen Foose [Csound] mailing list problem.
2015-10-16 15:25jpff [Csound] Admin: anyone know Hugo of nabble?
2015-10-16 09:08ebmtranceboy Re: [Csound] gbuzz example on Android
2015-10-16 05:27Partev Barr Sarkissian [Csound] Bounce?
2015-10-16 04:06Anthony Palomba [Csound] Csound and ipython
2015-10-16 02:12Michael Gogins [Csound] Status of new Windows installer for Csound
2015-10-15 20:49ebmtranceboy Re: [Csound] gbuzz example on Android
2015-10-15 20:18Anton Kholomiov [Csound] Simple Desktop player for csound files
2015-10-15 20:09ebmtranceboy [Csound] gbuzz example on Android
2015-10-15 19:27Rory Walsh [Csound] The Cabbage forum is dead. Long live the Cabbage forum!
2015-10-15 16:54jpff Re: [Csound] ICSC2015 Day 2 videos
2015-10-15 16:50jpff Re: [Csound] ICSC2015 Day 2 videos (fwd)
2015-10-15 14:33Gleb Re: [Csound] ICSC2015 Day 2 videos
2015-10-15 13:43Tim Mortimer Re: [Csound] portamento algorithm
2015-10-15 13:42Tim Mortimer [Csound] portamento algorithm
2015-10-15 08:55jpff [Csound]