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2010-10-24 20:21"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] Fw: Csound API Question?
2010-10-24 03:17"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] Fw: Csound API Question?
2010-10-22 12:25menno [Cs-dev] beats
2010-10-18 18:29"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-2971557 ] Wrong error numbers reported
2010-10-17 17:58"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3088391 ] Segmentation violation (fault) on syntax error in CSD file
2010-10-17 17:58"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3088391 ] Segmentation violation (fault) on syntax error in CSD file
2010-10-17 14:01"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3088391 ] Segmentation violation (fault) on syntax error in CSD file
2010-10-17 13:48"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3087741 ] Macro definition in CsInstruments not correctly handled
2010-10-17 09:13Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] equality in the new parser
2010-10-17 08:42"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3088391 ] Segmentation violation (fault) on syntax error in CSD file
2010-10-16 12:42"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3088391 ] Segmentation violation (fault) on syntax error in CSD file
2010-10-16 09:06"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3088391 ] Segmentation violation (fault) on syntax error in CSD file
2010-10-15 23:35"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3088391 ] Segmentation violation (fault) on syntax error in CSD file
2010-10-15 01:00"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3087741 ] Macro definition in CsInstruments not correctly handled
2010-10-13 23:44Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] another one for the new parser
2010-10-12 00:10"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] Fw: Csound API Question?
2010-10-11 17:48"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] Fw: Csound API Question?
2010-10-10 22:55"Art Hunkins" [Cs-dev] Fw: Csound API Question?
2010-10-10 22:30"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] Csound API Question?
2010-10-10 02:08"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] Csound API Question?
2010-10-08 22:12"Art Hunkins" [Cs-dev] Csound API Question?
2010-10-08 17:41John ff [Cs-dev] Flex problems
2010-10-08 09:58john ffitch [Cs-dev] flex help required
2010-10-08 04:12Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Algorithmic composition on Android
2010-10-06 22:58Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] more parser trouble
2010-10-05 17:49Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] new parser crash report
2010-10-01 16:50Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] [ANN] Linux Audio Conference 2011
2010-10-01 16:25Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] [ANN] Linux Audio Conference 2011
2010-10-01 10:36Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] new parser request
2010-09-30 14:20Rory Walsh [Cs-dev] help needed...MS Visual Express..int32...
2010-09-21 20:51"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3035924 ] ATS noise component with ATSsinnoi
2010-09-21 20:47"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3072900 ] voice issues
2010-09-21 20:40"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3019481 ] DSSI issues
2010-09-21 17:39john ffitch [Cs-dev] When should we have the next release?
2010-09-18 18:03john ffitch [Cs-dev] Another parser problem
2010-09-17 17:57Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] (no subject)
2010-09-16 23:29Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] Csound5 build is broken, please revert
2010-09-16 21:41Rory Walsh [Cs-dev] install: cannot stat `libcsnd.so': No such file or directory
2010-09-16 19:36Rory Walsh [Cs-dev] fresh build from CVS...
2010-09-14 06:02"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3065724 ] Real-time ending too soon?
2010-09-12 21:50Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] ParCS status
2010-09-12 14:25menno [Cs-dev] sinsyn manual correction
2010-09-09 18:10andy fillebrown [Cs-dev] Problem plugins
2010-09-08 19:37menno [Cs-dev] bug ID: 3019481 DSSI issues
2010-09-07 14:49"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3060609 ] Error in stkOpcodes.cpp
2010-09-06 20:56Jouni Rinne [Cs-dev] Building STK opcodes: Error in stkOpcodes.cpp
2010-09-06 20:46"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3060609 ] Error in stkOpcodes.cpp
2010-09-04 21:57Andres Cabrera [Cs-dev] csoundSetGlobalEnv
2010-09-04 20:33Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] Spinlocks
2010-09-03 13:40John ff [Cs-dev] Cannot build again