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2011-03-03 10:43"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3197199 ] Date opcode not re-initializing?
2011-03-03 10:24"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3197199 ] Date opcode not re-initializing?
2011-03-02 17:15"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3197199 ] Date opcode not re-initializing?
2011-03-02 17:15Francois PINOT [Cs-dev] wii opcodes
2011-03-02 12:02"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3197199 ] Date opcode not re-initializing?
2011-03-02 10:41menno [Cs-dev] new parser error?
2011-03-02 10:21john ffitch [Cs-dev] Oh dear -- silly me
2011-03-02 09:47john ffitch [Cs-dev] A stupid problem
2011-03-01 18:59menno [Cs-dev] 2 small things
2011-02-25 14:41Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Cs-dev] 5.13 win installer not including csnd?
2011-02-25 09:02Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Cs-dev] ftgemtmp latency on OSX
2011-02-23 15:31menno [Cs-dev] 2 new parser errors
2011-02-21 19:52"Demers, Marc" [Cs-dev] Help for migrating from CVS to Git
2011-02-21 19:33Felipe Sateler [Cs-dev] generic names
2011-02-21 15:46menno [Cs-dev] inq issues
2011-02-18 12:16Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Cs-dev] string macro in score stopped working
2011-02-18 09:57Andres Cabrera [Cs-dev] Feedback on split view
2011-02-17 20:07Sal G Sofia [Cs-dev] Online Csound Manual.
2011-02-17 13:23john ffitch [Cs-dev] Change to git
2011-02-16 22:07govert [Cs-dev] CsoundVST on MAC OS X
2011-02-16 15:24Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] Loris
2011-02-16 13:38John ff [Cs-dev] Move to git
2011-02-15 16:57John ff [Cs-dev] Move from CVS to git
2011-02-15 16:05menno [Cs-dev] new parser failure
2011-02-15 02:38matt ingalls [Cs-dev] Fwd: Moving to DVCS (git)
2011-02-14 15:08John ff [Cs-dev] Moving to DVCS (git)
2011-02-14 12:04John ff [Cs-dev] OpenMP branch
2011-02-13 11:01john ffitch [Cs-dev] Branches in CVS
2011-02-12 11:06menno [Cs-dev] beta manual
2011-02-11 09:09menno [Cs-dev] CVS is up
2011-02-10 17:07john ffitch [Cs-dev] CSD format question
2011-02-10 12:15john ffitch [Cs-dev] DVCS continued
2011-02-09 18:12John ff [Cs-dev] DVCS again
2011-02-04 16:32john ffitch [Cs-dev] DVCS
2011-02-04 10:49Jana HübenthalRe: [Cs-dev] Organising UDOs, instruments and scores
2011-02-04 10:16Erik de Castro Lopo [Cs-dev] Organising UDOs, instruments and scores
2011-02-03 08:13Erik de Castro Lopo [Cs-dev] CVS on sourceforge
2011-02-02 11:52Erik de Castro Lopo [Cs-dev] Possible GEN5 render bug
2011-02-02 09:364g63gsx [Cs-dev] EQ band amplitude adjustment with PVS opcodes
2011-02-02 02:31"Art Hunkins" [Cs-dev] Python question
2011-02-01 11:40"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3169623 ] Brokens links on the CSound SourceForge home page
2011-01-31 18:31"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3168836 ] Freeze while playing scores
2011-01-31 18:02"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3168836 ] Freeze while playing scores
2011-01-31 12:20"SourceForge.net" [Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3087741 ] Macro definition in CsInstruments not correctly handled
2011-01-28 14:56menno [Cs-dev] new parser error
2011-01-28 00:17Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] QuteCsound things
2011-01-27 18:04john ffitch [Cs-dev] Access to CVS
2011-01-27 11:55Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Cs-dev] python opcodes and exit
2011-01-27 02:44Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] QuteCsound bugs
2011-01-26 02:44Michael Gogins [Cs-dev] QuteCsound and RTMIDI