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Synthetic guitar instrument

Date2006-02-16 12:57
SubjectSynthetic guitar instrument
I have a student who as part of his final year project would like a
Csound guitar instrument.  At present he is using a version of the
guitar.orc which has been around for a long time.  He is a guitar
player and comments that the sound is not as he thinks it should be.
Hence this message:
      Does anyone have a "good" synthetic guitar instrument?

The student is supposed to be doing CS, so while he could have a go,
it is not the point of the project.

==John ffitch

Date2006-02-16 13:07
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: Synthetic guitar instrument
Has he studied the basic physical models stuff such as
waveguides etc? There is a book out on Physical Models
which seems to be very thorough, "Digital Sound Synthesis by
Physical Modeling  Using the Functional Transformation Method", by
Trautmann & Rabenstein.


At 12:57 16/02/2006, you wrote:
>I have a student who as part of his final year project would like a
>Csound guitar instrument.  At present he is using a version of the
>guitar.orc which has been around for a long time.  He is a guitar
>player and comments that the sound is not as he thinks it should be.
>Hence this message:
>       Does anyone have a "good" synthetic guitar instrument?
>The student is supposed to be doing CS, so while he could have a go,
>it is not the point of the project.
>==John ffitch
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Date2006-02-16 14:06
FromDavid Akbari
SubjectRe: Synthetic guitar instrument
I feel like the idea of phase locked sync sounds like a lot like a 
guitar. I've actually been meaning to ask the list about this for quite 
some time; are there any examples of phase locked or "hard" sync 
implemented in Csound ? I'd certainly be interested in studying those 

Scanned synthesis has also proven useful in the synthesis of bass and 
guitar like timbres.

Strangely, I've also found that sampling small bits of the actual 
(electric) guitar sound as tables for the moog opcode sounds reasonably 
accurate as well.

Please keep us posted on what you come up with.


On Feb 16, 2006, at 7:57 AM, jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk wrote:

> I have a student who as part of his final year project would like a
> Csound guitar instrument.  At present he is using a version of the
> guitar.orc which has been around for a long time.  He is a guitar
> player and comments that the sound is not as he thinks it should be.
> Hence this message:
>       Does anyone have a "good" synthetic guitar instrument?
> The student is supposed to be doing CS, so while he could have a go,
> it is not the point of the project.
> ==John ffitch

Date2006-02-16 16:14
FromAidan Collins
SubjectRe: Synthetic guitar instrument

Date2006-02-16 16:29
FromBen McAllister
SubjectRe: Synthetic guitar instrument

Date2006-02-17 04:11
FromAnthony Kozar
SubjectRe: Synthetic guitar instrument
Since I assume you are looking for ready-made instruments, here are some
that I found a few months back:

"the Guitarra place" by Josep Comajuncosas (see the bottom of the page):

Classical Guitar Physical Model by Jeff Livingston:

I assume that the one you already have is the one from the orchestras+scores
package on Bath.

The second of the ones I list above sounds quite good to my ears and a
couple of Josep's are pretty decent sounding as well.  (They require lots of
RAM though :)


jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk wrote on 2/16/06 7:57 AM:

> I have a student who as part of his final year project would like a
> Csound guitar instrument.  At present he is using a version of the
> guitar.orc which has been around for a long time.  He is a guitar
> player and comments that the sound is not as he thinks it should be.
> Hence this message:
> Does anyone have a "good" synthetic guitar instrument?