[Csnd] Using setScoreOffsetSeconds() with sound-file playback.
Date | 2009-06-27 18:39 |
From | Andy Fillebrown |
Subject | [Csnd] Using setScoreOffsetSeconds() with sound-file playback. |
Hello again, I'm having an issue getting 'csoundSetScoreOffsetSeconds' to work correctly when called on a .csd that uses the 'soundin' opcode. After calling 'csoundSetScoreOffsetSeconds', the 'soundin' opcode still reads the sound-file from wherever it left off from the previous performance. I've tried a few different ways of working around this, using 'loscil' with GEN01, 'diskin', 'diskin2', etc... but they all do the same thing as 'soundin'. Is there a way to play sound-files and still have them respond correctly to 'csoundSetScoreOffsetSeconds', without having to recompile the .csd? Regards, -andy.f |
Date | 2009-06-27 20:22 |
From | Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Using setScoreOffsetSeconds() with sound-file playback. |
Attachments | None None |
Date | 2009-06-28 04:27 |
From | Andy Fillebrown |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Re: Using setScoreOffsetSeconds() with sound-file playback. |
Thanks Victor, I rewrote the .csd instrument with suggested p-field but I still couldn't get 'csoundSetScoreOffsetSeconds' to work until I sent the score statements programatically, instead of putting them in the .csd, like before. Anyway... the playback system is working great now and it's much faster/cheaper than I was expecting -- I'm getting 50+ fps on 3d model operations during audio playback, even on my aging laptop -- which is a nice reminder of why dealing with csound's quirks is worth the trouble. Wonderful, wonderful!!! Csound proves it viability once again! As a side note: I'm loving the discovery that csound adds volume envelopes when starting and stopping playback (no "pops" regardless of where start/stop occurs in the score). It is a big relief knowing I don't have to code that -- especially after banging my head on the wall trying to get the playback system working. Thanks again, -andy.f ----- "Victor Lazzarini" |