The function does what it says on the tin: set score offset in seconds. This means
score events (midi events from a midifile too) nothing else. If your score event
has a p-field controlling skiptime, then you can use that.

----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Fillebrown <>
Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009 6:39 pm
Subject: [Csnd] Using setScoreOffsetSeconds() with sound-file playback.


Hello again,
> I'm having an issue getting 'csoundSetScoreOffsetSeconds' to work correctly when called on a .csd that uses the 'soundin' opcode.  After calling 'csoundSetScoreOffsetSeconds', the 'soundin' opcode still reads the sound-file from wherever it left off from the previous performance.  I've tried a few different ways of working around this, using 'loscil' with GEN01, 'diskin', 'diskin2', etc...  but they all do the same thing as 'soundin'.  Is there a way to play sound-files and still have them respond correctly to 'csoundSetScoreOffsetSeconds', without having to recompile the .csd?
> Regards,
> -andy.f

Dr Victor Lazzarini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Music,
National University of Ireland, Maynooth