| also I think the change in shape at low frequencies is just because
modFM only approximates a pulse, it is not exactly one.
----- Original Message -----
From: "victor"
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 6:44 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: new bandlimited oscillators (was: Re: UDO question)
>I had also noticed that the CSD had, for no particular reason, ksmps=1,
> so if you did not change that, I expect it would have been slow. The
> results I mentioned before were for ksmps=64.
> yes, the DC blocking has its issues, but that is the same with any other
> method that tries to turn a pulse into a saw or square. A few tweaks and
> it could be OK. I also had another method of removing the mean without
> actually using a DC blocker: find out the mean for a range of frequencies,
> store that on a table and just subtract that from the signal. That
> probably
> might turn out to be better.
> Victor
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Richard Dobson"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 5:51 PM
> Subject: [Csnd] new bandlimited oscillators (was: Re: UDO question)
>> Thanks for posting these examples - I finally got the csd ones running
>> after I twigged they needed 5.09. Somewhat slow on the G4 iMac (just 4
>> voices before breakup), but much better on dual-core, unsurprisingly - I
>> will need to lengthen the envelopes to be sure I am genuinely playing
>> more than 16 voices (via my 2-octave Oxygen8 controller), but so far so
>> good! One thing - am I right in assuming the loss of waveform shape at
>> low frequencies (looks like bottom partials are reduced quite a bit,
>> from about 200Hz), and the just-noticeable latency is because of the new
>> ultra-powerful dcblock2 opcode? Presumably for low notes (e.g.
>> floor-shaking 50Hz) the order has to be increased pro rata. Higher up the
>> range, the waveforms look and sound excellent!
>> Richard Dobson
>> victor wrote:
>>> No, all my stuff's GPL and there are no strings attached. If you want
>>> to have a look at the code, I have an archive with the dafx material
>>> in: http://music.nuim.ie/vlazzarini/tmp/Dafx08.zip
>>> Out of curiosity, I just checked the cost here on my computer. Takes
>>> about 2.3 secs to do 100 secs of output. Using a buzz instead, is about
>>> 2 secs per 100 secs. Not bad.
>>> Victor
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