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[Csnd] Re: Re: ++SPAM++ Re: Version 5.08 now released

Date2008-03-18 17:36
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: ++SPAM++ Re: Version 5.08 now released
Regarding the .csoundrc suggestion, that's a good idea, I will implement it.

Regarding Python, I repeat (note that the current installer does not attempt to install Python):

The current installer tests for Python 2.5 in the Windows registry. If Python is
found in the registry, then the Python features of Csound are installed. If Python
is not found in the registry, then the installer gives the user a choice to abort
installation in order to install Python, or to proceed with installation but to 
put the Python features in a secluded directory. 

I have verified that this behavior does occur on my computer. I would like to know
if it is working for other installations. "Yes" or "No" plus
some details would be appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Steven Yi 
>Sent: Mar 18, 2008 12:22 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: ++SPAM++ Re: Version 5.08 now released
>The python check has been so problematic, I'm wondering if we
>shouldn't change how the installer works to ask the user if they want
>to install the python opcodes with a note that Python is required.  If
>they say yes, install as usual, if no, copy them into a sub-folder
>which they can add to OPCODEDIR later if they want (also with a note
>about this shown during installer).  This places the installation
>burden on the user to decide what they want and makes them active in
>choosing.  They will basically get what they choose, rather than this
>situation where they get something completely unexpected.
>As for .csoundrc, Anthony has mentioned that the Windows installer is
>the only installer of any OS that create a .csoundrc and that it
>defaults to values not shared by other csound distributables.  While
>we should definitely look into why things are awry with command
>processing order, it seems it would be prudent to default to
>installing a .csoundrc file that is completely commented out.  That
>way a user who may want to use it can find it later and have a
>template of what to do, but that keeps things set exactly as what is
>default for all the other platforms.
>Thoughts on either proposal?
>On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 1:00 AM, Uğur Güney  wrote:
>> # Hi,
>>  # I installed the new version. Thanks for your effort!
>>  # I want to report two things: 1) I am doubt about whether the "order
>>  of precedence" works correctly.
>>  http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/CommandTop.html#CommandOrder
>>  # I tested the -m0 commandline flag with some example files, but it
>>  did not work. All messages are printed. But when I changed the
>>  .csoundrc file then they are gone. This is why I think it is related
>>  to the command order thing.
>>  # And this is not true for -d flag or -b flag. Their assignment in the
>>  csoundrc file are overrided by the command line flags.
>>  # 2) Second issue is again about the warnings related to the missing
>>  python25.dll. Altough the -m0 flag in the .csoundrc file blocks the
>>  warning messages printed in the command line, this warning dialogs (I
>>  attached a screenshot) keeps coming again and again (two of them)
>>  until I remove the csnd.dll and py.dll. This was the problem I
>>  mentioned in my previous mail. But may be I have not well articulated
>>  myself.
>>  # For me warning messages in command line is not a big problem. But if
>>  have not used a python related opcode I will not expect a warning
>>  dialog/window pops up about them which stops the execution and wait
>>  for me to press enter.
>>  # Could the -m flag system adjusted to include these warning dialogs
>>  under Windows? Thanks!
>>  -ugur guney-
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>Send bugs reports to this list.
>To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2008-03-18 21:53
FromUğur Güney
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: ++SPAM++ Re: Version 5.08 now released