# I just installed Csound 5.08.2 under Xp. On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 7:36 PM, Michael Gogins wrote: > Regarding Python, I repeat (note that the current installer does not attempt to install Python): > > The current installer tests for Python 2.5 in the Windows registry. If Python is > found in the registry, then the Python features of Csound are installed. # I can not say anything about this, because do not have Python installed. > If Python is not found in the registry, then the installer gives the user a choice to abort > installation in order to install Python, or to proceed with installation but to > put the Python features in a secluded directory. # Yes, a option message appeared for yes aborting installation and no for continuing to installation. I chose no and csound is installed. But when I type just "csound" I'm getting again the warning windows I attached this morning. > I have verified that this behavior does occur on my computer. I would like to know > if it is working for other installations. "Yes" or "No" plus > some details would be appreciated. # I looked at the csound folder. There is a folder named "python_backup", which has some .pyd and .py files under "python_backup\bin" folder and py.dll under "python_backup\plugin64" folder. But the csnd.dll and py.dll files who are responsible from pop-ups (one warning window for one .dll) are still under "csound\plugin64" folder, so they are not secluded. # I think we are getting close to the solution! Have a nice day! -ugur guney-