| I like both ideas.
- Dave
Steven Yi wrote:
> The python check has been so problematic, I'm wondering if we
> shouldn't change how the installer works to ask the user if they want
> to install the python opcodes with a note that Python is required. If
> they say yes, install as usual, if no, copy them into a sub-folder
> which they can add to OPCODEDIR later if they want (also with a note
> about this shown during installer). This places the installation
> burden on the user to decide what they want and makes them active in
> choosing. They will basically get what they choose, rather than this
> situation where they get something completely unexpected.
> As for .csoundrc, Anthony has mentioned that the Windows installer is
> the only installer of any OS that create a .csoundrc and that it
> defaults to values not shared by other csound distributables. While
> we should definitely look into why things are awry with command
> processing order, it seems it would be prudent to default to
> installing a .csoundrc file that is completely commented out. That
> way a user who may want to use it can find it later and have a
> template of what to do, but that keeps things set exactly as what is
> default for all the other platforms.
> Thoughts on either proposal?
> steven
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 1:00 AM, Uğur Güney wrote:
>> # Hi,
>> # I installed the new version. Thanks for your effort!
>> # I want to report two things: 1) I am doubt about whether the "order
>> of precedence" works correctly.
>> http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/CommandTop.html#CommandOrder
>> # I tested the -m0 commandline flag with some example files, but it
>> did not work. All messages are printed. But when I changed the
>> .csoundrc file then they are gone. This is why I think it is related
>> to the command order thing.
>> # And this is not true for -d flag or -b flag. Their assignment in the
>> csoundrc file are overrided by the command line flags.
>> # 2) Second issue is again about the warnings related to the missing
>> python25.dll. Altough the -m0 flag in the .csoundrc file blocks the
>> warning messages printed in the command line, this warning dialogs (I
>> attached a screenshot) keeps coming again and again (two of them)
>> until I remove the csnd.dll and py.dll. This was the problem I
>> mentioned in my previous mail. But may be I have not well articulated
>> myself.
>> # For me warning messages in command line is not a big problem. But if
>> have not used a python related opcode I will not expect a warning
>> dialog/window pops up about them which stops the execution and wait
>> for me to press enter.
>> # Could the -m flag system adjusted to include these warning dialogs
>> under Windows? Thanks!
>> -ugur guney-
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