Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 4:39 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Csound and reacTIVision
> In fact if you add the instrument
> instr 2
> OSCsend 0, "localhost",3333, "/foo/bar", "ff",1,2
> endin
> to your CSD and add a score line instantiating it,
> i2 1 0.1
> you will have a good test for OSC. Works here...
> Victor
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "victor" < >
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 3:24 PM
> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Csound and reacTIVision
>>I just want complement that your csound code is correct. I have used
>> similar code to get messages from Python and PD, both of which
>> worked straight out of the box.
>> You might want to test your setup with some other sender, I
>> suggest PD, because it's very simple.
>> Victor
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Andres Cabrera" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 2:58 PM
>> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Csound and reacTIVision
>>> Hi Arda,
>>> I haven't checked the reactivision OSC namespaces, but they probably
>>> don't transmit anything on /foo/bar =). Apart from the namespace route,
>>> you must also know the type of information coming. For example "ff"
>>> means two floats are expected. I haven't checked, but I think csound
>>> shows nothing if the messages does not conform exactly to what is
>>> expected.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Andrés
>>> El sáb, 15-12-2007 a las 01:32 +0200, Arda Eden escribió:
>>>> A TUIO simulator creates a message like this:
>>>> set obj 0 27 0.425 0.78 3.1415927 0.16233395910432108
>>>> 0.16233395910432108 0.0 -4.908136E-4 0.0
>>>> This happens on localhost(
>>>> port 3333 and i can watch it by using a network
>>>> analyzer. I'm not sure if the first two string
>>>> parameters "set" and "obj" should be handled but at least i'm expecting
>>>> to handle first two values "0" and "27". If i succeed i'll be able
>>>> to control any instrument parameters. Below there is the data format
>>>> for the TUIO protocol and an example csd code. I'm working on a linux
>>>> machine.
>>>> TUIO protocol data format
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>>> s sessionID, temporary object ID, int32
>>>> i classID, fiducial ID number, int32
>>>> x, y, z position, float32, range 0...1
>>>> a, b, c angle, float32, range 0..2PI
>>>> X, Y ,Z movement vector (motion speed & direction), float32
>>>> A, B, C rotation vector (rotation speed & direction), float32
>>>> m motion acceleration, float32
>>>> r rotation acceleration, float32
>>>> P free parameter, type defined by OSC packet header
>>>> ;OSClisten.csd
>>>> ;---------------------
>>>> <CsoundSynthesizer>
>>>> <CsOptions>
>>>> -+rtaudio=alsa -o dac -B4096
>>>> </CsOptions>
>>>> <CsInstruments>
>>>> sr = 44100
>>>> ksmps = 100
>>>> nchnls = 1
>>>> gihandle OSCinit 3333
>>>> instr 1
>>>> kf1 init 0
>>>> kf2 init 0
>>>> nxtmsg:
>>>> kk OSClisten gihandle, "/foo/bar", "ff", kf1, kf2
>>>> if (kk == 0) goto ex
>>>> printk 0,kf1
>>>> printk 0,kf2
>>>> kgoto nxtmsg
>>>> ex:
>>>> endin
>>>> </CsInstruments>
>>>> <CsScore>
>>>> i1 0 3600
>>>> e
>>>> </CsScore>
>>>> </CsoundSynthesizer>
>>>> By the way, i tried to change the parameter "ff" as "ss", "ii" and the
>>>> "print" statement. But there's no terminal output for "kf1" and "kf2".
>>>> THANKS.
>>>> Arda EDEN
>>>> Cumhuriyet University
>>>> Faculty of Fine Arts
>>>> Department of Music Technology
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