Dear Dave,
Sure it's Linux. I was a SuSe user for a long time. But now i'm using Pardus (, a Turkish Distro. By the way i'm not sure if my article is suitable for Linux Journal or not. For that kind of a serious publishing, i think i have to edit it again.
But i'll do so and send for you to see it.
Arda Eden wrote:Hi Arda,
> My reactivision system is working properly now.
> I've written an article about it. Do you know anywhere that i can
> publish it ?
If your article is readable on-line I'll read it and see if it's usable
by the Linux Journal. You might also consider submitting it to the
Computer Music Journal. I'm sure the Csound Journal would publish it as
What OS have you been working with ?
Btw: I've written a rather lengthy article on Jean-Pierre Lemoine's
AVSynthesis, it will be published by the Linux Journal (hard-copy) some
time in the coming year. Which is just to say that they publish articles
on such topics. :)
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