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Re: [Cs-dev] opcode request - pgmin

Date2006-06-12 14:55
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] opcode request - pgmin

Date2006-06-12 15:14
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] opcode request - pgmin
I have still not been able to get the FLTK flags to improve the widget situation. If I leave things as they are I can upload installers this evening.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Istvan Varga 
>Sent: Jun 12, 2006 4:43 AM
>To: Developer discussions 
>Subject: Re: [Cs-dev] opcode request - pgmin
>On Monday 12 June 2006 03:16, matt ingalls wrote:
>> how are you changing the API?
>> if you are going to change the API anyway,
>> i would say leave sensekey as it was and instead add
>> a 'sensekeyup' opcode and related API function.
>The changed sensekey opcode (with the optinal output argument) is
>already in the 5.02.1 sources. However, I did not decide yet how
>the API should be changed if using that is preferred over just
>replacing the opcode from the host. The old csoundKeyPress()
>function could be changed as you suggested earlier to interpret
>key codes > 128 as key release, at the expense of limiting the
>number of key codes that can be used to 127. Alternatively, a
>new function could be added, either something like an extended
>version of csoundKeyPress(), or a "sensekey callback". If a new
>function is added, I would probably prefer the callback approach,
>e.g. csoundSetSenseKeyCallback(CSOUND *, int (*func)(CSOUND *)),
>as it leaves implementation details like buffering, thread
>synchronization (if needed), etc. up to the host. Of course, one
>could think of the idea of overriding the opcode as some sort of
>"sensekey callback", too, a new API function is only more elegant
>and avoids your specific problem of not being able to use csdl.h
>(even if the latter would better be fixed anyway).
>However, currently I am waiting for the new Gogins 5.02 Win32
>installers before making any CVS changes; I already have some
>uncommitted stuff.
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