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Re: [Cs-dev] plugin reorganization

Date2006-03-10 21:25
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] plugin reorganization
If the conditional loading all occurs during compilation so that there are no burps during realtime performance, I have no objections, though if it were me I would leave it as it is since that is simpler.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Istvan Varga 
>Sent: Mar 10, 2006 3:59 PM
>To: csound-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>Subject: Re: [Cs-dev] plugin reorganization
>I have been experimenting with deferred loading of opcode plugins only when
>the orchestra actually references opcodes in a particular library. With this
>it may make sense to have separate smaller libraries, rather than a single
>large one. I have not yet decided, though, if this is really a good idea
>compared to just merging most opcodes (those that have no external
>dependencies) into a single all-in-one plugin that is loaded unconditionally.
>So, I have no objection to reverting this change (perhaps the new barmodel
>opcode could then be just moved into stdopcod, by the way); should I revert
>it ?
>I still think that the vbap opcodes should be moved out of the API library,
>though, or into stdopcod if the deferred loading hacks are removed.
>On Friday 10 March 2006 20:51, Anthony Kozar wrote:
>> I noticed just now that the opcode plugins have undergone another
>> reorganization including moving the vbap opcodes out of the main Csound5
>> library and several opcodes out of the stdopcod library.  I am curious what
>> the purpose of these changes is?
>> Also, in the future, could everyone please make the effort to announce major
>> changes to the codebase (changed targets, moved files, new files, deleted
>> files, changes to the API) to the dev list and include a note in the
>> ChangeLog.  Otherwise I have no idea that I need to adjust my build system
>> on MacOS 9.
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Date2006-03-10 21:31
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] plugin reorganization