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[Cs-dev] Sourceforge index.html

Date2006-04-10 20:41
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[Cs-dev] Sourceforge index.html
I have spent some time today creating a new version of the index page for
csound.sourceforge.net.  But I still have no way to modify the existing file
or upload the file that I created.  So, the new page is attached to this

If it looks good to others, could someone please put in on the shell server
so that it will appear as the new index page?  (If you do, please make it
group writeable as well! :)

The new page includes more accurate information about each package plus
links to the latest 5.01 file releases organized by platform and with short
descriptions of each file.  I would be very happy if the other package
maintainers would send better descriptions and/or corrections to the
information that I have included.  (Or just change the page yourself).

I hope that this new page will make it much clearer to visitors that Csound
5 is the newest release and help them decide which package(s) to download.


Anthony Kozar
anthonykozar AT sbcglobal DOT net

Date2006-04-10 21:00
From"Steven Yi"
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Sourceforge index.html

Date2006-04-10 21:06
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Sourceforge index.html

Date2006-04-10 23:03
FromAnthony Kozar
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Sourceforge index.html
Thanks Steven -- the page is simple and could probably be made even more
informative, but I do feel it is a significant improvement.  Thanks to
Istvan for uploading the file (and improving the RPM description)!

I will take responsibility for updating all of the links on the page each
time there is a new release (as long as I can edit it which I should be able
to now :).  I really felt that more explanation of the nearly two dozen
packages was desparately needed.  In fact, I would like to add more
information about the contents of each package so that users can more easily
choose the one with the features that they need.  (I am thinking of creating
another table on a separate page with a list of all optional features on one


Steven Yi wrote on 4/10/06 4:00 PM:

> I like the new page; it's easy to read and I like that it explains
> Csound5 is the newest release.
> One worry I have about the new page design is having all of the
> downloads listed individually.  My only concern is that someone here
> will have to update the page every time there is a release, which
> would likely be tedious.

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