| Hello to all,
does a UDO already exist in Csound to convert the SR into the code?
Something like this:
double old_sr = 48000.0;
double new_sr = current_csound_sr;
if (old_sr != new_sr) {
double fmax = new_sr / 2.;
double window_width = 7;
int num_channels = reader->numChannels;
double factor = new_sr / old_sr;
int num_in_frames = bufferSamples / num_channels;
int num_out_frames = ( int) ceil(num_in_frames * factor);
// create output buffer
AudioSampleBuffer bufDest(num_channels, num_out_frames);
float *bufferResampledWrite = bufDest.getWritePointer( 0);
const float *bufferResampled = bufDest.getReadPointer( 0);
// resampe process
for ( long ch = 0; ch < num_channels; ++ch) {
for ( long s = 0; s < num_out_frames; ++s) {
long i, j;
double x = s / factor;
double r_w, r_a, r_snc;
double r_g = 2 * fmax / new_sr; // Calc gain correction factor
double r_y = 0;
for (i = -window_width / 2; i < window_width / 2; ++i) { // For 1 window width
j = ( long) (x + i); // Calc input sample index
//rem calculate von Hann Window. Scale and calculate Sinc
r_w = 0.5 - 0.5 * cos(TWOPI * ( 0.5 + (j - x) / window_width));
r_a = TWOPI * (j - x) * fmax / new_sr;
r_snc = (r_a != 0 ? r_snc = sin(r_a) / r_a : 1);
if (j >= 0 && j < num_in_frames)
r_y = r_y + r_g * r_w * r_snc * bufferSource[num_channels * j + ch];
bufferResampledWrite[num_channels * s + ch] = r_y; // Return new filtered sample
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