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[Csnd] OSC and polyphony

Date2019-05-20 12:30
Subject[Csnd] OSC and polyphony

I am creating a midi file to OSC app. When using the following csd code as server I notice that chords never sound, only one note is heard. Is that because in case of a chord the OSC events are coming in (nearly) all at once? In my OSC_monitor I see each message being sent. Or is there something wrong in this code:

giosc1 OSCinit 8000

instr 1

kamp init 0

kpit init 0


kans OSClisten giosc1, "/pitchamp", "ff", kpit,kamp

aosc oscil kamp, kpit

outs aosc, aosc

if (kans==0) kgoto done

kgoto next


