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[Csnd] MPE/linnstrument program change

Date2022-09-24 10:48
FromAtte <00000576b2aa4c8e-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
Subject[Csnd] MPE/linnstrument program change
I'm struggling with getting program change from the linnstrument working with my csd.

Currently linnstrument sends program change on channel 1, notes on channels 2-16. The plan is to have instr 1 always on, recieve on channel 1 and in here detect programchange and use massign on channels 2-16 to change instrument.

Problem is I can't find an opcode that will read program change messages. Am I on the wrong track? Anyone with a linnstrument that could share their strategy in csound?


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Date2022-09-24 11:35
FromAtte <00000576b2aa4c8e-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
SubjectRe: [Csnd] MPE/linnstrument program change
On Sat, 24 Sep 2022 11:48:20 +0200
Atte <00000576b2aa4c8e-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> wrote:

> I'm struggling with getting program change from the linnstrument working with my csd.
> Currently linnstrument sends program change on channel 1, notes on channels 2-16. The plan is to have instr 1 always on, recieve on channel 1 and in here detect programchange and use massign on channels 2-16 to change instrument.
> Problem is I can't find an opcode that will read program change messages. Am I on the wrong track? Anyone with a linnstrument that could share their strategy in csound?

Answering myself:

using midiin, when status = 192, call instr 999 that sends massign to instruments 2-16 with p4 + 2

Seems to work, sorry for the noise...


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