| Hello Iain,
first, really, many thanks for the new csound6~ object ! :)
To some years, I work in a Max GUI environment generated in JS and write score instructions for Csound via antescofo~.
About this question, the Csound score, I will have a lot a feature requests for Csound 8 (I say not 7, but 8).
Indeed Score and writing music in Csound has to be now a lot developed, Csound sounds great like that, all the world knows that Csound is the "best" dsp program... but not all musician know that music is not just make sound, but make sense... I would like to composed, in Csound 8 (not 7), a new piece juste in score, with possibility of scripting music function directly in score, without Python Antescofo or other langage... This piece will titled 'Mon Amour Csound' ;)
Anyway Iain, I am a noon in programming music but listening those two csd: the first is the approximately same as yours, the second a part of my music... Both in MaxMsp context and your csound~object... I post that just to share different ways to do it....
Thanks again,
sr = 44100
ksmps = 128
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
opcode chn_ctrl, k, iSiS
i_pchamp, S_param_name, i_inst, S_end xin
S_string sprintf "%s%.02f%s", S_param_name, i_inst, S_end
chnset i_pchamp, S_string
k_value chnget S_string
xout k_value
opcode init_skip, 0, iii
ip1, ival_tab, icnt xin
indx = 0
S_val sprintf "ctrl-%.02f_%d", ip1, icnt
chnset(tab_i(indx-1,ival_tab), sprintf("ctrl-%.02f_%d", ip1, indx))
loop_lt indx, 1, icnt, loop
instr 1
kfrq chn_ctrl p4, "ctrl-", p1,"_1"
kfrq_portamento chn_ctrl p5, "ctrl-", p1,"_2"
kfrq portk kfrq, kfrq_portamento
asig = vco2(.1, cpsmidinn(kfrq) * 1.00, 2, 0.5)
asig += vco2(.1, cpsmidinn(kfrq) * 1.002, 2, 0.51)
asig += vco2(.1, cpsmidinn(kfrq) * 0.997, 2, 0.49)
outs asig, asig
instr 81
S_portk = p4
ival_port = p5
S_chn1 sprintf "%s", S_portk
chnset ival_port, S_chn1
ival_port chnget S_chn1
S_chnName = p6
ival = p7
S_chn sprintf "%s", S_chnName
chnset ival, S_chn
ival chnget S_chn
print ival
f0 8
i 1.01 0 10 48 0
i 1.02 0 10 52 0
i 1.03 0 10 55 0
i 81.01 2.2 1 "ctrl-1.01_2" 0.13 "ctrl-1.01_1" 55
i 81.02 2.2 1 "ctrl-1.02_2" 0.13 "ctrl-1.02_1" 59
i 81.03 2.2 1 "ctrl-1.03_2" 0.13 "ctrl-1.03_1" 62
i 81.01 4 1 "ctrl-1.01_2" 0. "ctrl-1.01_1" 48
i 81.02 4 1 "ctrl-1.02_2" 0. "ctrl-1.02_1" 52
i 81.03 4 1 "ctrl-1.03_2" 0. "ctrl-1.03_1" 55
sr = 44100
ksmps = 128
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
opcode FORMATAGE_CTRL, k, iSiS
i_pchamp, S_param_name, i_inst, S_end xin
S_string sprintf "%s%.02f%s", S_param_name, i_inst, S_end
chnset i_pchamp, S_string
k_value chnget S_string
xout k_value
i_pchamp, S_param_name, i_inst, S_end xin
S_string sprintf "%s%.03f%s", S_param_name, i_inst, S_end
chnset i_pchamp, S_string
k_value chnget S_string
xout k_value
opcode jbfilter, aa, aakkkkkkk
achanL, achanR, kmodDepth, kmodFreq, kmodType, kfiltFreq, kfiltType, kbalance, kreso xin
if kmodType < 5 then
kTable = kmodType + 1
kmodd oscilikt kmodDepth, kmodFreq, kTable
kmodd randh kmodDepth, kmodFreq, .365
kfiltFreq = octcps(cpsmidinn((kfiltFreq * 0.001) * 122.00))
kmodd = cpsoct(kmodd+kfiltFreq)
kfr limit kmodd, 40, 9300
kfr port kfr, .04
denorm achanL, achanR
aloL, ahiL, abdL svfilter achanL, kfr, kreso, 1, 1
aloR, ahiR, abdR svfilter achanR, kfr, kreso, 1, 1
if kfiltType == 0 then
aoutL = aloL
aoutR = aloR
elseif kfiltType == 1 then
aoutL = ahiL
aoutR = ahiR
aoutL = abdL
aoutR = abdR
if kbalance > 0 then
aoutL balance aoutL, achanL
aoutR balance aoutR, achanR
xout aoutL, aoutR
opcode jbpan, aa, k
kpani xin
aPan lfo 0.5, kpani, 1
aPan = aPan + 0.5
aPanL = aPan
aPanR = 1 - aPan
xout aPanL, aPanR
opcode jbdlay, aa, aakkk
aOut1, aOut2, kdelL, kdelR, kfb xin
iPdelL = 0.01
iPdelR = 0.01
kdelL port kdelL, iPdelL
kdelR port kdelR, iPdelR
aKfb interp kfb
abuf2 delayr 3
adelL deltapi kdelL * 0.001
delayw aOut1 + (adelL * aKfb)
abuf3 delayr 3
adelR deltapi kdelR * 0.001
delayw aOut2 + (adelR * aKfb)
xout adelL, adelR
instr 1
ifnEnv = p1*100
idlt1A = p4
idlt1B = p5
ifn1 = p6
ifn2 = p7
ifn3 = p8
ifn4 = p9
kLoop FORMATAGE_CTRL p10, "ctrl-", p1,"_1"
kPTloop FORMATAGE_CTRL p11, "ctrl-", p1,"_2"
kcps1 FORMATAGE_CTRL p12,"ctrl-", p1, "_3"
ktimiA FORMATAGE_CTRL p13, "ctrl-", p1, "_4"
kamp1 FORMATAGE_CTRL p14, "ctrl-", p1, "_5"
ktimiB FORMATAGE_CTRL p15, "ctrl-", p1, "_6"
kpani FORMATAGE_CTRL p16,"ctrl-", p1, "_7"
ktimiC FORMATAGE_CTRL p17,"ctrl-", p1, "_8"
kmodDepth FORMATAGE_CTRL p18, "ctrl-", p1, "_9"
kmodFreq FORMATAGE_CTRL p19, "ctrl-", p1, "_10"
kmodType FORMATAGE_CTRL p20, "ctrl-", p1, "_11"
kfiltFreq FORMATAGE_CTRL p21, "ctrl-", p1, "_12"
kfiltType FORMATAGE_CTRL p22, "ctrl-", p1, "_13"
kbalance FORMATAGE_CTRL p23, "ctrl-", p1, "_14"
kreso FORMATAGE_CTRL p24, "ctrl-", p1, "_15"
kvol FORMATAGE_CTRL p25, "ctrl-", p1, "_16"
kdetA FORMATAGE_CTRL p26, "ctrl-", p1, "_17"
kdetB FORMATAGE_CTRL p27, "ctrl-", p1, "_18"
kdetC FORMATAGE_CTRL p28, "ctrl-", p1, "_19"
p3 = abs(p3)
if timeinsts()>=(p3) then
kLoop portk kLoop, kPTloop
kampE = kLoop/p3
kndx phasor kampE
ixmode = 1
kampA tablei kndx, ifnEnv, ixmode
kampA limit kampA,0,1
kampA expcurve kampA,8
aenv interp kampA
adelayed1A init 0.001
adelayed1B init 0.001
kcps1 portk kcps1, ktimiA
kamp1 portk kamp1, ktimiB
asig1A poscil kamp1, kcps1, ifn1
asig1B poscil kamp1/2, kcps1*kdetA, ifn2
asig1C poscil kamp1/3, kcps1*kdetB, ifn3
asig1D poscil kamp1/4, kcps1*kdetC, ifn4
aSiG1A = (asig1A + asig1B + asig1C + asig1D) * aenv
aSiG1B = (asig1A + asig1B + asig1C + asig1D) * aenv
aDeClick linsegr 1,0.01,0
kpani portk kpani, ktimiC
aPanL, aPanR jbpan kpani
adelayed1A = (adelayed1A * 0.5) + aSiG1A
adelayed1A delay adelayed1A, idlt1A
adelayed1B = adelayed1B * 0.5 + aSiG1B
adelayed1B delay adelayed1B, idlt1B
achani1a = (adelayed1A)*aDeClick*aPanL
achani1b = (adelayed1B)*aDeClick*aPanR
aoutL, aoutR jbfilter achani1a, achani1b, kmodDepth, kmodFreq, kmodType, kfiltFreq, kfiltType, kbalance, kreso
ageniL = ((aoutL*kvol) + achani1a) * aenv
ageniR = ((aoutR*kvol) + achani1b) * aenv
;outch 1, ageniL, 2, ageniR
S_chn1 sprintf "audioL_%.04f", (90 + (p1/10))
S_chn2 sprintf "audioR_%.04f", (90 + (p1/10))
chnset ageniL, S_chn1
chnset ageniR, S_chn2
instr 90
S_chn1 sprintf "audioL_%.04f", p1
S_chn2 sprintf "audioR_%.04f", p1
kdelL FORMATAGE_FXCTRL p4, "fx_ctrl-", p1,"_1"
kdelR FORMATAGE_FXCTRL p5, "fx_ctrl-", p1,"_2"
kfb FORMATAGE_FXCTRL p6,"fx_ctrl-", p1, "_3"
aOut1 chnget S_chn1
aOut2 chnget S_chn2
;------------------ DELAYS
adelL, adelR jbdlay aOut1, aOut2, kdelL, kdelR, kfb
;------------------ REVERB
;aRevL, aRevR jbverb adelL, adelR, kRevfb, kSpace
adeclik linsegr 1,0.01,0.
aOut_1 = adelL*adeclik
aOut_2 = adelR*adeclik
outch 1, aOut_1, 2, aOut_2
S_foutFXL sprintf "ageniL_%.04f", (999 + frac(p1))
S_foutFXR sprintf "ageniR_%.04f", (999 + frac(p1))
chnmix aOut_1, S_foutFXL
chnmix aOut_2, S_foutFXR
chnclear S_chn1
chnclear S_chn2
f0 36000
f1 0 16384 11 10 1 .7
f 101 0 1024 16 1 1024 1.9499999999999962 0.3611111111111111
i 1.01 0.0000 -240 0.0160 0.0100 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 120.0000 0.0000 329.6276 0.0000 0.7000 16.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0110 1.0130 1.0120
i 90.101 0.0000 -60 34.0000 95.0000 0.3000
f 102 0 1024 16 0.7006172839506173 725.6900832678579 4 1 298.30991673214214 -4.0500000000000025 0.2932098765432099
i 1.02 0.0000 -240 0.0080 0.0270 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 80.0000 0.0000 195.9977 0.0000 0.3900 12.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 i i 90.102 0.0000 -60 236.0000 113.0000 0.7300
i 90.102 0.0000 -60 236.0000 113.0000 0.7300
f 103 0 1024 16 0.5771604938271605 396.429600797657 2 1 627.570399202343 -6.050000000000005 0
i 1.03 0.0000 -240 0.0050 0.0120 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 160.0000 0.0000 246.9417 0.0000 0.2900 4.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0160 1.0120 1.0100
i 90.103 0.0000 -60 238.0000 416.0000 0.5650
f 104 0 1024 16 0.44135802469135804 244.96977886136452 1.5000000000000002 0.9722222222222222 167.92284605980248 -1.5000000000000002 0.6327160493827161 428.0386272112612 4.999999999999999 1 183.0687478675718 -3.550000000000002 0.4537037037037037
i 1.04 0.0000 -240 0.0091 0.0061 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 220.0000 0.0000 261.6256 0.0000 0.4900 8.0000 1.2300 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0122 1.0100 1.0090
i 90.104 0.0000 -60 399.0000 275.0000 0.5800
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