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[Csnd] strtolk in 6.17

Date2022-02-13 09:39
Subject[Csnd] strtolk in 6.17

if i install the 6.17 version I have a problem for the strtolk opcode.
If I come back to the 6.16 version everything is ok.

Is something changed or it is it a bug?

On MacBook 2012 Catalina

Thank you


INIT ERROR in instr 142 (opcode hex) line 89: strtolk: invalid format
kbeat_pat	strtolk	Shex

opcode hex, k, SkO
	Spat, kdiv, krot xin

	korgan	chnget	"heart"
	kph	= (korgan * kdiv) % (1/16)

	klast init -1
	ktick init 0
	Shex init "0"
	if (kph < klast) then

		ktick += 1
		kstrlen = strlenk(Spat)

		if (kstrlen > 0) then

			ktick	+= krot%2

			kpat_len = strlenk(Spat) * 4
			ktick = ktick % kpat_len
			kpat_indx = int(ktick / 4)
			kbit_indx = ktick % 4 
			Shex		strcatk "0x", strsubk(Spat, kpat_indx, kpat_indx + 1)
			kbeat_pat	strtolk Shex

			kout = (kbeat_pat >> (3 - kbit_indx)) & 1 
		kout = 0	
	klast	= kph
	xout kout

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Date2022-02-13 11:41
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd] strtolk in 6.17
Check that Shex is  being produced correctly, the problem may be with the previous line.

> On 13 Feb 2022, at 09:39, jgda  wrote:
> *Warning*
> This email originated from outside of Maynooth University's Mail System. Do not reply, click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.
> Hello,
> if i install the 6.17 version I have a problem for the strtolk opcode.
> If I come back to the 6.16 version everything is ok.
> Is something changed or it is it a bug?
> On MacBook 2012 Catalina
> Thank you
> ---
> INIT ERROR in instr 142 (opcode hex) line 89: strtolk: invalid format
> kbeat_pat       strtolk Shex
> //
> opcode hex, k, SkO
>        Spat, kdiv, krot xin
>        korgan  chnget  "heart"
>        kph     = (korgan * kdiv) % (1/16)
>        klast init -1
>        ktick init 0
>        Shex init "0"
>        if (kph < klast) then
>                ktick += 1
>                kstrlen = strlenk(Spat)
>                if (kstrlen > 0) then
>                        ktick   += krot%2
>                        kpat_len = strlenk(Spat) * 4
>                        ktick = ktick % kpat_len
>                        kpat_indx = int(ktick / 4)
>                        kbit_indx = ktick % 4
>                        Shex            strcatk "0x", strsubk(Spat, kpat_indx, kpat_indx + 1)
>                        kbeat_pat       strtolk Shex
>                        kout = (kbeat_pat >> (3 - kbit_indx)) & 1
>                endif
>        else
>                kout = 0
>        endif
>        klast   = kph
>        xout kout
> endop
> //
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