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(Corrected) Mailing list for Extended Csound

Date1998-05-22 14:58
Subject(Corrected) Mailing list for Extended Csound
A new mailing list has been created specifically for commnications
about the Extended Csound board and software from Analog Devices.
This list is mainly for people who have the board, but others who are
interested in the system are welcome to join.  I expect the
discussions to be more about the API, libraries, developments etc
rather than about Csound the language.

The list is run by the EZMLM system, which mean (I hope) that although
I am the administrator, the system runs mainly automatically.  To
subscribe one sends mail to 
with no particular subject or contents, which will cause a message to
be sent to the sender which needs to be returned--an attempt to stop
fraudulent subscriptions and spammers. If you wish to subscribe from a
different address to the one from which you join that is possible, but
the cookie does need to be returned in all cases.
  When joining instructions are sent as to how to unsubscribe and do
other things.  There is (should be) an archive and when I understand
the system well enough there may be a digest format.

At present I am the only subscriber, so mail is not yet flowing.  If a
suficient number of users of the Extended Csound kit join then it
should become both a useful communication from Analog for their
intentions, and a collective way of nudging them into useful plans.