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CD-R of Music from Bath

Date1998-06-22 17:41
SubjectCD-R of Music from Bath
I have mentioned that this CD exists, and while there is currently a
minor production problem, I expect that it will be available very
soon.  I estimate that it will cost $8 including postage.  Or I will
have some copies with me in Boston this summer, and in Michigan ICMC
in October, to save the postage....

Most tracks were created with Csound on a mixture of SGI and Windows95.
The CD is called
		       Singing in the Bath
and has 14 tracks of music by Peter Cooke, Jeremy Leach and myself,
and a collage of sounds from a community workshop.

There is a 12-side booklet with notes and composer details (well not
very detailed).  Track summary is:

1	For Fabienne	John ffitch		1964  2m 10s
2	Phase Music	Peter Cooke		1987  7m 29s
3	Collage		various, arr ffitch	1994  1m 49s
4-6	Drums&Different Canons#1		1996
			John ffitch			7m
	(Five sections; Prelude -- Henon -- Gruneberg -- Distance -- Prelude)
7	Sing the World	John ffitch		1997   16m 11s
8	Half a Beast	John ffitch		1996    1m
9	Rhythm		Jeremy Leach		1994	1m 10s
10	Waves of Rhythm	Jeremy Leach		1995	1m
11	Spaceworlds'95	Jeremy Leach		1995	1m
12	Galoshaplopagos John ffitch             1997	4m
13	Robur		John ffitch	        1998   10m 40s
14	Phase Music II	Peter Cooke	        1987/98 3m 55s

Total approx 57mins

1.  Piano solo; (re-)created with Csound and Rosegarden
2.  Music500 computer synth/BBC micro
3.  CDP, csound and SGI sound editor
5. >Csound and C-generated score
7.  Csound-treated voice
8.  Csound
9.  Algorithmic, csound timbres
10. Csound with Gamelan samples
11. Custom software
12. Csound, with CDP and csound fragments
13. Voice and Csound
14. As trk2 with Cool edit