Hey thanks! Nice little additions there. I will be using them a lot.
And, if I understand them to work the way I think they do,
locsig/locsend/space/etc.. will be like a swiss army knife kind of thing.
Do I understand right :
locsig (or space ) duplicates kreverbsend amount of its output and aims it
at whatever locsend/spsend follows within that instrument?
if no []send follows this signal gets 'dumped'?
Can I do whatever I want with the output of the send , i.e. not
necessarily reverb? This is almost like a ugen with an 'auxiliary output' !
There are no provisions for multiple simultaneous send 'buffers' within an
instrument; but can I do a locsig-locsend followed by another
locsig-locsend within one instr?
Dont want to be a pest, but I want to make sure I grip them fully, since
they'll be SO handy.
Now I've just got to get a quad setup going.....
Thanks again.
At 08:36 PM 6/18/98 -0700, Richard Karpen wrote:
>Try using the new "locsig" and "space" units. there a bit more
>On Thu, 18 Jun 1998, QATJD wrote:
>> Howdy. I'm currently beginning to employ some stereo control within csound
>> (I do a lot of post-csound processing). And I'm not sure the x,y coordinate
>> system is working as documented, although I'm sure someone will point out
>> my user error :
>> for the kx and ky parameters to pan, I'm trying to use an oscili signal to
>> control the pan at rates of .5-3 cps. But the best way I can get it to work
>> properly (i.e. nice even, full sine pan from one side to another) is in
>> offset mode, normalized, and sending kx from .5 to 1.5 and back. I can't
>> seem to get anything working in non-offset mode (get tiny or no signal out)
>> in the -1 to +2 area. My ftable is either a line from 0 to 1 or a GEN02
>> sketch of a first quarter sine (per manual's sugg) ; and it seems to work
>> just right either way with the setup above.
>> Could it be that the offset is working the wrong way? That would put my
>> .5-1.5 back in range.... but I hate to criticize others' code, especially
>> something that other people have _got_ to be using regularly out there.
>> BTW : How else might one 'automatically' generate a first quarter sine wav
>> via gen routine?)
>> Also : in a GEN02 routine, with an extended guard point specified (size =
>> 65 or 1025 or the like): does one specify a value for the guard point or
>> does csound take care of it?
>> Any ideas appreciated.
>> pax vobiscum
>> thank you for your bandwidth
thank you for your bandwidth