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Date1999-03-26 03:25
>It is important to understand
>less flashy term such as "gradient-descent
>function approximation heuristics through iterative feedback" I suspect
>the interest in them would be much less.

w!dezpread klon!ng ov 1 !nput pattern due 2 lak ov kompet!t!on
= rezultz !n 1 eczper!ensz azos!atd w!th pronounszd memor! rezonansez dzat
= perm!tz w!dezpread klon!ng . dzat !z 2 za! !t = plauz!bl we = haluz!nat!ng

>There is
>nothing "brainlike" or "neuralistic" about their operation.

!t = doez t!e m! shoe lacez