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Date1999-02-18 18:14
FromFumitake Ohnaka
Hello, All Csounders.

I'd like to put csound audio into some filters in realtime on Linux 2.0.30.
I did try as follows according to "CsManual3.48b1.HTML/Command/CSCOMM.html".

---from Manual------------

csound -o osfname 
  The name stdout will cause audio to be written to standard output.

fmtk%> csound -o stdout ???.orc ???.sco | some filter(like a mp3enc)

But, csound tell me like this.

  Csound Version 3.51 (Feb 18 1999)
  Csound Command ERROR:   stdout audio not supported

And from "Release Notes for 3.48"

  Language Changes

  The input or output file in -i and -o can start with a | to indicate a
  process which is started to create or process audio files.  This works
  on Windows and Unix, but not (yet) DOS.

What is the meaning of thie sentence? 
Is there strange point on my way or is this a bug or something?

And if I do comment-out as follows at argdecode.c, version 3.51,
I can use "-o stdout". (Thanks Mr. Christopher Penrose for his help).

	case 'o':
            if (strcmp(O.outfilename,"stdout") == 0) 
#if defined macintosh || defined SYMANTEC || defined BCC || defined __WATCOMC__ || defined __unix || defined WIN32
#if defined WhatIsThat              /*fmtk edited*/

              dieu("stdout audio not supported");


I'm sorry if this question is one of FAQ, but I'd like to know why this 
functionthere do not use default version. Is there any problem?
