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Re: your mail

Date1998-04-24 16:08
FromChristian Lyra
SubjectRe: your mail

Pleaasee!!! One =cw4t7abs is enough!!!

On Fri, 24 Apr 1998, Larry Troxler wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Apr 1998, =cw4t7abs wrote:
> > 4 1 frakt!on ov dze kozt.
> 3 1 !zz. hum!nz Zuks.
> > 
> > dzat = s!nsz art!stz lakc.
> > 1o year oLd zystemz = abov mozt art.!stz reku!rmentz.
> > !n fakt art.!stz.pozer.akadem!kx || kommerc!aL =
> > ultra kommerc!al lak.age.
> > 
> redund!ntz fasc!st pigs! Kummerc!al Zuks! ==tabs != Ko0l dewdZ
> --  Larry Troxler  --  lt@westnet.com  --  Patterson, NY USA  --

Date1998-04-25 01:37
FromLarry Troxler
SubjectRe: your mail
On Fri, 24 Apr 1998, =cw4t7abs wrote:
> 4 1 frakt!on ov dze kozt.

3 1 !zz. hum!nz Zuks.
> dzat = s!nsz art!stz lakc.
> 1o year oLd zystemz = abov mozt art.!stz reku!rmentz.
> !n fakt art.!stz.pozer.akadem!kx || kommerc!aL =
> ultra kommerc!al lak.age.
redund!ntz fasc!st pigs! Kummerc!al Zuks! ==tabs != Ko0l dewdZ

--  Larry Troxler  --  lt@westnet.com  --  Patterson, NY USA  --

Date1998-04-25 02:34
>systems such as KYMA ,ISPW and now aparrently
>brought more into the mainstream by  the SCOPE system and, potentially, the ADI
>- it is simply one computer controlling another.

msp 4 macintosh + max. k!kx kyma komponentz.
4 1 frakt!on ov dze kozt.

>As for the moral imperative, I suspect that this is overruled by a greater one,
>that however powerful and fast an audio system, a musician will, sooner or
>later, demand more of it that it can deliver!

dzat = s!nsz art!stz lakc.
1o year oLd zystemz = abov mozt art.!stz reku!rmentz.
!n fakt art.!stz.pozer.akadem!kx || kommerc!aL =
ultra kommerc!al lak.age.

Date1998-04-25 05:21
Subjectoff topic. Re:
>dzat = s!nsz art!stz lakc.
>1o year oLd zystemz = abov mozt art.!stz reku!rmentz.
>!n fakt art.!stz.pozer.akadem!kx || kommerc!aL =
>ultra kommerc!al lak.age.

yes perhaps most, in terms of some sets of numbers, for most artists. but
let each of us choose our own tools. and there is enough of a wind player
still inside of me (insert cheap shot here) to be powerfully aroused by the
recent banter regarding a more capable alternative to midi. someday soon
there will be widely, and inexpensively, available the same intuitive
control of nuance in realtime electronic instruments that has been enjoyed
by acoustic instrumentalists for thousands of years. except enhanced by
programmability! just one example toolset. no, not relevant to the work of
all artists, or even myself at the moment, but to those so inclined, a
godsend. or blessing. depending on religious inclinations or lack thereof.

in fact i believe there already is a new dedicated system available for
wind players. sorry don't remember name of it -do recall it was pricey. and
incidentally, the circa 1977 non-midi Lyricon was, in my opinion,
expressively and ergonomically far superior to any midi wind driver i ever
tried up to about 1990 -haven't looked at anything since.

as for the academic world, sure plenty of posers on both sides of the desk.
but none of us may agree on identification. and we certainly have to thank
that world for much (most?) of the program which we discuss on this list.
guess there aren't enough kings and queens left to support this sort of

moreover, it's a lot harder to develop skills to make art if most of your
time is spent in a completely unrelated job. not that life experience
doesn't contribute to art. think sometimes it contributes just too much.

turning to the commercial world. perhaps it would not have to be so
commercial in the US if it weren't for tax regulations that in many
instances double the burden on for-profit art ventures, anti-union
regulations (musicians do not enjoy the same collective bargaining rights
as construction workers & garment workers) and coming soon to a
jurisdiction near you, the raping of intellectual property rights.
