| oopz. depart rap!dl!
> Actually, you can find quite a few Xanakis recordings these days. Try
>looking at www.emf.org. They sell a good selection of EA music and, last I
>looked, have a pretty decent selection of Xanakis recordings.
emf = exploitation.
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Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 10:15:32 -0500
To: antiorp@tezcat.com
From: Electronic Music Foundation
Subject: CD
We got a few copies of your CD from Frog Peak and we think it's great! We'd
like to sell them. So ...
So, for purposes of listing, could you clarify the title of the CD and the
label? [ permit someone to smile at the idiocy of corporat
Are there reviews? [ no - and they are too wonderful ]
Do you have any notes? [ akademia = korporat slaves . m9ndfukc besser als]
What is the composer's name? [ null pointer ]
Would you like to sell to us direct? [ no. would not ]
or do you prefer that we buy from Frog Peak?
[ would prefer that emf korporat fascist konglomerat does not sell
=cw4t7abs data ]
[zttz zlave]
anzuer - refusz. emf = korporat fasc!zt konglomerat.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||: netochka nezvanova : curriculum vitae
1995 ......
raging women + 1 bad man - dance theater
1996 graduated from the conservatory - classical thea...
=cw4t7abs - instantiated
- dekonztrukt!on ov relevant kontrol modulez
1998 8'|sin.x(2^n)
refused commissions from
farmers manual
cagliari ea society
ORF kunstradio
deaf-v2 amsterdam
etc + etc
- dekonztrukt!on ov relevant kontrol modulez
1 konglomerat ov demoral!szd kap!tal!zt zlavez.
prozt!tut cccelvz + molekulr output at sl!ghtzt oportun!t!.
armd forsez part!s!pantz ztat!ng dze! = 0 al1.
+ dze s!nkron!szd movement = desp!kabl.
ou! ma!z dze desp!kabl s!nkron!szd movement =
thankx 2 dze desp!kabl s!nkron!szd movement ov
modl c!t!zenz.
1 modl c!t!zn = l!ttl mor dzen 1 armd forsez part!s!pant.
l!zten!ng 2 komerc!alz on 0+1 shortwave tranz!ztor [c]
+ thankx 2 eSSo 1 = dr!vez all w!thout 0-1 kare on dze autostrada
2 dreamz.
4get h!rosh!ma. 4get auschv!tz. budapezt
4get v!etnam 4get dze hous!ng prblm dze fam!ne .
4get tout eczept
korporateroute du sud [k]
!ns!de lav!shl! dekoratd zupermarketz
- paranteza _ dekoratd w!th d!zf!gurd bod!ez ov l!fe 4rmz.
zelekt 1nz l!ve st!ll awa!t!ng 1 modl c!t!zen.z des!j!on
2 k!ll + d!sf!gure all dze wh!le addtl modl c!t!zenz
pass!ng b! !n 4mat!on - mor !ntr!gued b! dze SALE
plakardz dzen dze amalgam ov dead bod!ez.
zpeak!ng = 1 rezurektjon !n relat!on 2 l!fe.
1 = lernz 2 speak when 1 = abandond l!fe 4 0+1 t!me
1 error = 1 zubt!l l!e
truth = prezent !n error
hensz kant hegel + deutsche f!lozof!e
kont!ngent truthz + nesessar! truthz = konztrukt l!fe
dze oval portra!t
zpeak az though kuot!ng truth
4rom 1936 2 1998 = but 1 ztep
4rom 1936 2 emf = but 1 ztep
4rom 1936 2 megamax = but 1 ztep
4rom 1936 2 d!sz = but 1 ztep
re+read od!sse! lazt n!ght
alwa!z th!nk ov ul!sez long!ng 2 return 2 penelope ma!s.
he = made h!z vo!aj lazt az long az posz!bl
ever! morn!ng 2 earn m! da!l! bread
! go 2 dze market where dze! bu! l!ez
+ full ov hope
! get !n l!ne w!th dze peddlerz
hol!wood. be be.
demoral!szd kap!tal!zt zlavez ++
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 ||
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
: / / m9ndfukc.com
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