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Re: csound ethnomusicology

Date1998-11-11 23:34
FromJosep M Comajuncosas
SubjectRe: csound ethnomusicology

Steven Coolidge wrote:

> I use csound to impress girls whom I bring over to my apartment.  After
> they look at a few screens of opcodes they will (hopefully) become
> confused and disoriented...

Intelligent irony ... no doubt that the excussiveness of a cryptic language,
apart from the old-fashioned text-based approach and of course the
non-commercial use we (most of us) search, can be justified by some some
snobism and sectarism... but we share them with users of similar packages
(powerful, continuously updated, multiplattform and free, but absolutely not
user-friendly, and umpractical for large scale projects) from other fileds...
we´re "la crème de la crème" isn´t it? ;-))))

Josep M Comajuncosas

PS. I personally enjoy showing my last Csound realisations to my friends. Of
course till I perceive they´re about to leave my home... it is when I feel
enough satisfied (and they hopefully released of such torture) that we can go
together to take some drinks and forget everything.