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Re: control of start and end points of a wavetable

Date1998-09-02 20:42
FromGabriel Maldonado
SubjectRe: control of start and end points of a wavetable
Do you intend to vary start and end loop points during the performance?

In this case, if you have my realtime Windows version you can use the
'lposc' (or 'lposcint', if you are using GEN22 to store samples in
integer format). These opcodes allow  you to vary the start and the loop
point at the performance time.  If you don't have a Windows platform,
you must wait for a while, all my opcodes will be relased in standard
version in the future.

This is the manual:

posc and lposc

ar posc kamp, kcps, ift [,iphs]
kr posc kamp, kcps, ift [,iphs]

ar lposc kamp, kfreqratio, kloop, kend, ift [,iphs]
kr lposc kamp, kfreqratio, kloop, kend, ift [,iphs]

ar lposcint kamp, kfreqratio, kloop, kend, ift [,iphs]


ift - function table number
iphs - initial phase (in samples)


ar - output signal
kamp - amplitude
kcps - frequency
kfreqratio - multiply factor of table frequency (for example: 1 =
original frequency,
  1.5 = a fifth up , .5 = an octave down)
kloop - loop point (in samples)
kend - end loop point (in samples)

posc (precise oscillator) is the same as oscili but allows hugely more
precise frequency
control (especially when using long tables and low frequency values).
It is only a bit slower than oscili.

lposc (loop oscillator) allows to vary in k rate the starting and ending
phase of a table.
This can be useful when reading samples
loop of a wavetable which repeat speed can be varied during the

lposcint is the same as lposc, but read integer stored sample tables
(GEN 22) to reduce
ram memory needs.

Gareth Whittock wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how to vary the start and end points of any type of
> wavetable in csound?
> X-UIDL: 80d38a9575db0daeefeca1ef1e7b8159

Gabriel Maldonado
