| Eric Scheirer wrote:
> The "derivative
> products" clause means that MIT would also frown upon trying
> to take a signficant chunk of the public Csound code and
> use it to build some other sort of system, even if it weren't
> for sale. But as long as it is still Csound, add-ons
> and improvements are welcome.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up! I had read "derivative" as including
variant versions of Csound. That, together with the "no redistribution"
clause, made me think that technically, posting different version of
Csound would violate the license. Actually, regarding redistribution, I
remember as I'm typing this, that at one point somebody wanted to post
Csound on Compuserve, but couldn't do it because the license prohibited
redistribution. I remember now that we had quite a discussion about that
over on Compuserve. So maybe I *am* still confused. But I guess it's a
bit academic now, it seems like these days MIT is more relaxed, and
obviously don't care about people putting up their own versions of
Csound, irrespective of whether the license technically forbids it.
-- Larry Troxler -- lt@westnet.com -- Patterson, NY USA --