| There's a new addition to the sound utilities I have on my web page...
I've added 'sndpan' an early ircam sndfile utility that pans a mono file
into a stereo file according to
parameters you give it. (Man page at end of message.) This was
originally code by Denis Lorrain.
does anyone know what happened to him?
So, like all these ports, I used Bill Schottstaedt's sndlib. It reads
losta sndfile types, If
your original file isa .wav, ircam (orig),.aiff, or NeXT soundfile, it
writes out the same type of header it read. Otherwise it writes an AIFF
USAGE: sndpan sound1 sound2 < function
or (entering function manually)
prompt>sndpan sound1 sound2
prompt>90.0 0
prompt>45 2.0
prompt>0 3.5
prompt>90 4.0
cat functionfile | sndpan sound1 sound2
And if you missed it there is also :
sndnorm - takes filename as arg, w/ optional output filename, & rescales
first file to
max value for it's data type...(0.0-1.0, or 0-32768) output name
defaults to 'inName'.rs
sndin - reads sndfiles, & puts the samples as floats or shorts out on
sndout - reads stdin & writes a sndfile w/ either an Ircam, wav, aiff,
NeXT, or no header
These can be used like so :
sndin someRandomSoundfileInOddButSupportedFormat | sndout -cN -J
(or wav with -W, NeXT w/ -X , -S for raw,no header, -A for Aiff)
You may notice the Unix pipe '|' in this example: yeah, so far, all I
have is binary for
Linux (RH5.1:glibc) & source..I *really* should be a fairly easy port to
any console system!!
As I said before all the OS/compiler dependancies arein Bill's code,
just check it out for
your compiler toggle, edit the makefile, and dang-it, it oughta
work!.(meaning, okok, i'll port 'em
soon..grumble...try linux!, I answer)
To find:
http://www.charlieb.com/ (my very out-of-date web page)
ftp://ftp.charlieb.com/ (public ftp on same)
To end this (long) note, I include two docs: one is the man page for the
app, the other is a description of the headers Bill's software (and
therefore this port) will read/write.
Take Care,
Char lieB
SNDPAN(1) IRCAM Soundfile System (& more-cb)
sndpan -pans a mono soundfile between two output channels
sndpan In_file Out_file < Function
Sndpan takes as its input a mono soundfile and varies the
amplitude sent to the two output channels according to a
set of angle-time pairs. The effect is that of adjusting
the pan pot on a mixer.
In_file must be a mono file.
Out_file, which will be opened by sndpan, will be a stereo
Function is a set of angle-time pairs which define the
movement of the sound in time. This is accomplished by
linear interpolation between the values for the angles and
for the times.
Angle is in degrees(0-90), where 0 is channel 1 and 90 is
channel 2. Values between 0 and 90 are distributed pro-
portionally between the two channels.
NOTE: sndpan will not prompt you for the angle-time pairs.
The program will quit upon reaching one of two states;
either the end of the Function or the end of the input
sndpan in_file out_file < space.fun
a.out | sndpan in_file out_file
sndpan in_file out_file
45.3 0.0 /* centered */
90. 6.833 /* to right */
90.0 16.833 /* stays right 10 sec */
10 23.5 /* move toward left */
80.8 25.3 /* then quickly right */
Denis Lorrain (IRCAM) (& CharlieB)
headers supported read/write
RIFF (Microsoft wave)
IRCAM (old style)
no header
headers supported read-only
Sound Tools, Turtle Beach SMP, SoundFont 2.0,
Sound Designer I and II, PSION, MAUD,
Tandy DeskMate, Gravis Ultrasound, ASF,
Comdisco SPW, Goldwave sample, omf, quicktime
Sonic Foundry, SBStudio II, Delusion digital,
Digiplayer ST3, Farandole Composer WaveSample,
Ultratracker WaveSample, Sample Dump exchange,
Yamaha SY85 and TX16, Covox v8, SPL, AVI
Incomplete: OMF, AVI, ASF, QuickTime, SoundFont 2.0.
Not handled: Esignal, ILS, HTK, DVSM, SoundEdit.