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Re: Sparks

Date1998-05-02 02:59
FromLarry Troxler
SubjectRe: Sparks
Paul Winkler wrote:
> Well, OK, maybe my house per se is boring, but how 'bout the 4' diameter
> x 15' long empty stainless steel tanks in the basement? They sound
> pretty interesting. You see, I live in a former peanut processing plant.
> They drained the oil into the basement and then piped it out when they
> filled up the tanks. Now it's a semi-residential building but these
> giant things are still down there and they sound AMAZING--but they kinda
> smell bad.
> I think I may try piping various test signals through some speakers in
> the basement and see what I can come up with... though of course that
> adds the response of the speakers into the equation...

Wow. I kind of get the feeling you might not be making this up, and
really do have a sonic
paradise down there! (Or am I a sucker for another hoax?)

Don't wait until you figure out the impulse response stuff - Just get
some good mikes down there and record all sorts of things :-). Figure
out what to do with it later :-)

--  Larry Troxler --  lt@westnet.com  --  Patterson, NY USA  --