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[Csnd] DirectCsound 3.03 available

Date1999-11-02 20:50
FromGabriel Maldonado
Subject[Csnd] DirectCsound 3.03 available
Hi all,
today I installed DirectX 7.0 on my computer. I noticed that, with this
version of DirectX, DirectCsound has no longer been able to initialize
3D buffers. When debbugging it, I noticed that a call to
GetAllParameters() api of 3dBuffer interface never succeded, causing the
error (probably this is a Microsoft bug. I still have the DirectX 6.0
SDK to compile DirectCsound, maybe that with SDK 7.0 this error will be
eliminated, but I can't download it as it is huge (more than 100 MB).
I'm looking for a CD-ROM containig it). So I eliminated all calls to 
GetAllParameters() and this newer version of DirectCsound now seems to
operate OK with DirectX 7.0.

This version also fix the bug in wguide1 and wguide2, which only allowed
a-rate variables for frequency parameter.

DirectCsound 3.03 can be downloaded from my site:

Happy DirectCsounding!

