| Dear fellows,
the Team is growing:
1. Michael Gogins ---> Win95/98 (?)
2. Rich Weisgerber ---> Win98SE, NT 4 SP5 (soon SP6), BeOS R4.5.2, Red Hat Linux 2.2.x
3. Krzysztof Foltman --->?
4. Richard Bowers --->?
5. Grant Covell (?)...
6. Karim Haddad --> Mac PPC 7600/120
7. Michael Rhoades
8. Ken Locarnini (Nunativs) --->?
9. Rasmus Ekman ---> Win95, Mac
10. Tohm Judson --->?
11. Roman Shkwarok --->?
12. Bruce Petherick --->?
Please specify the platform(s) you are using Csound with.
And let's join to the Team! I want you!
Thanks all people who already joined.
P.S. I quote part of a message from Rasmus Ekman that contain some
useful suggestions:
> To say that we have "tested" an opcode, I suppose we're
> talking about the combinatorial sum of MINIMUM:
> (1) sr = 22050, =44100, =48000, 96000
> (2) kr = sr, kr = sr/2, = sr/10, = sr/100
> (3) mono, stereo, 4-chan, 8-chan (in applicable cases)
> (4) Linux, Mac, DOS (console), Win95, WinNT, SGI, Irix...
> The only thing not automatable is running orcs on the
> different OS's. There should be at least 2-3 people using
> each OS to share the workload and pass around all the
> problematic cases.
> So as you said we'll wait until there are some more people,
> then start a small private mailing list to negotiate
> the coding standards and divide the labor etc.