| steele wrote:
> >> But Linux, FreeBSD, WinNT are not 64-bit OS's.... so even though the
> >> processor is 64-bit the OS is still 32-bit...
> What about the native OSes,Digital Unix,Solaris,Irix,etc. ? Excuse me if
> this is a stupid question. (speaking of which,can anyone reccomend a good
> book/resource that would get a beginner started on serious programming
> in different languages?)
Irix, Solaris, Digital UNix are all UNix variants that will run a native
windowing system on top of a fairly standard Unix Sys5 kernel. Some run only
X-based ressources, others have their own (Irix, SOlaris...) Depending on age,
all these systems have migrated to full 64-bit. However, and this is important
for the present purpose, the applications you use must *also* be compiled to
take advantage the 64-bit hardware and OS. Most 32-bit apps (and even 16-bit
apps) will run under 64-bit pathes but will not be able to avail themselves of
performance improvements inherent in the architecture...
WRT programming, there are now so many programming languages that it is very
difficult to recommend one without asking: What do you want to program? For core
signal processing apps (like Csound) or for clocked output (Midi sequencers), it
is difficult to avoid C as this will yeild the most compact and efficient code.
For interface purposes where speed is not critical, tcltk and java are both fine
choices although I prefer the former. Lest we forget, lisp has much to recommend
it, including a full synthesis-processing-composing-notating system out of
Stanford (CLM-CM-CMN)
> khalid :
> >Linux AXP (Linux on Alpha) kernel is definitely a clean 64 bit kernel.
> >It's still possible to build 32-bit apps if you have the sources but
> >you usually have when you're running Linux.
> >
> Neat! Any pointers to resources for music/audio apps for Linux AXP ?
> >If you have some question about alpha-linux try:
> > axp-list@redhat.com
> -Assume this is a mailing list,so wouldn't I need to subscribe?How?
If the list runs under majordomo, you would normally send a message to
majordomo@redhat.com and put this in the body of the message:
subscribe axp-list
If it runs under listserv, I dont know...
check this page for Linux:
> Gregory :
> >Follow links to vendors from www.alphapowered.com. Some sell
> >500 MHz Alpha PC164pc systems for < $2,000 (running Linux, FreeBSD, etc.,
> >or WinNT.) Digital I/O is supported in OSS/Alpha for Zefiro ZA2, and
> >other digital I/O cards.
> -Thanks for the info.
Ed Hall has answered this. Also be aware that the Digital speed monsters have a
clouded future (see Compaq takeover), but then again, so does everything thats
not Microsoft.
> Ed:
> > the whole idea of dense-packing data
> > structures in Csound deserves some reconsideration. Choosing speed
> > over compactness should at least be an option.
> Most interesting.Perhaps it's time some interprising tinkerers got down
> to writing/port 64-bit apps.,etc.Let us know when anyone gets a version
> of Csound optimised for Alpha or other 64-bit proc cessors.
> Personally I'm just a beginner at all this.But my point is that if we
> made the jump over to pure 64-bit computing,we'd have a lot of
> possibilities open to feed our imaginations and for our imaginations to
> feed.
That, along with a full csound rewrite, has been on everyone's list for years...
There is more than one reason it has not happened...
err.. correction: there has been a full rewrite: Extended-Csound. That runs only
on Sharc/ADI hardware
Jean Piche
Universite de Montreal
http://www.musique.umontreal.ca/electro/CEC/ |