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Vocoder2 Orc Sco

Date1998-06-20 19:33
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectVocoder2 Orc Sco

With some ideas from Matt (Matt's Shoddy Vocoder) and Jean Piche I have
rewritten a more flexible vocoder system.  Note that tables are used to
specify the frequencies and the modulator frequencies can be mapped to
different carrier frequencies.

Have Fun,
Hans Mikelson

; Variable Vocoder
; Coded by Hans Mikelson 6/20/1998
zakinit 50, 50                     ; Initialize the zak system
; Disk Input Stereo
        instr  3
iamp    =      p4                   ; Amplitude
irate   =      p5                   ; Read rate
isndin  =      p6                   ; Sound input file
ioutch1 =      p7                   ; Output channel 1
ioutch2 =      p8                   ; Output channel 2
ain1, ain2 diskin isndin, irate     ; Read stereo input
        zaw    ain1, ioutch1        ; Output to audio channel 1
        zaw    ain2, ioutch2        ; Output to audio channel 2
; Sawtooth (Band Limited Impulse Train)
        instr   4
idur    =       p3                    ; Duration
iamp    =       p4                    ; Amplitude
ifqc    =       cpspch(p5)            ; Note to frequency
ipanl   =       sqrt(p6)              ; Pan left
ipanr   =       sqrt(1-p6)            ; Pan Right
ioutch1 =       p7                    ; Output Channel 1
ioutch2 =       p8                    ; Output Channel 2
kdclik linseg   0, .002, iamp, idur-.004, iamp, .002, 0
apulse buzz     1,ifqc, sr/2/ifqc, 1  ; Avoid aliasing
asawdc integ    apulse                ; Integrating the pulses makes a saw
axn    =        asawdc-.5             ; Shift DC offset
aoutl  =        kdclik*axn*ipanl      ; De-click & pan
aoutr  =        kdclik*axn*ipanr
       zawm     aoutl, ioutch1        ; Write to output channels
       zawm     aoutr, ioutch2
; PWM (Band Limited Impulse Train)
        instr   5
idur    =       p3                    ; Duration
iamp    =       p4                    ; Amplitude
ifqc    =       cpspch(p5)            ; Note to frequency
ipanl   =       sqrt(p6)              ; Pan left
ipanr   =       sqrt(1-p6)            ; Pan Right
ioutch1 =       p7                    ; Output Channel 1
ioutch2 =       p8                    ; Output Channel 2
imodrate =      p9
imodepth =      p10
kdclik  linseg   0, .002, iamp, idur-.004, iamp, .002, 0
klfo    oscili  imodepth, imodrate, 1
kfqc    =       ifqc*(1+klfo)
apulse1 buzz    1,ifqc, sr/2/ifqc, 1 ; Avoid aliasing
apulse2 vdelay  apulse1, 1000/kfqc/2, 1000/ifqc
avpw    =       apulse1 - apulse2         ; two inverted pulses at variable
apwmdc  integ   avpw
axn     butterhp   apwmdc, 10              ; remove DC offset caused by
aoutl  =        kdclik*axn*ipanl      ; De-click & pan
aoutr  =        kdclik*axn*ipanr
       zawm     aoutl, ioutch1        ; Write to output channels
       zawm     aoutr, ioutch2
;       outs     aoutl, aoutr
; 8 Band Vocoder
       instr     11
iamp    =        p4               ; Amplitude
asigm   zar      p5               ; Modulator
asigc   zar      p6               ; Carrier
ipan    =        p7               ; Pan
ifqmtab =        p8               ; Modular Frequency Table
ifqctab =        p9               ; Carrier Frequency Table
ibw     =        p10              ; Bandwidth factor
; Compute the center frequency for each band.
ifqm1   table    0, ifqmtab
ifqm2   table    1, ifqmtab
ifqm3   table    2, ifqmtab
ifqm4   table    3, ifqmtab
ifqm5   table    4, ifqmtab
ifqm6   table    5, ifqmtab
ifqm7   table    6, ifqmtab
ifqm8   table    7, ifqmtab
; Compute center frequency for each carrier band.
; Note that you can rebuild based on different frequencies
ifqc1   table    0, ifqctab
ifqc2   table    1, ifqctab
ifqc3   table    2, ifqctab
ifqc4   table    3, ifqctab
ifqc5   table    4, ifqctab
ifqc6   table    5, ifqctab
ifqc7   table    6, ifqctab
ifqc8   table    7, ifqctab
; Bandpass filter the modulator
am1    butterbp  asigm, ifqm1,   ifqm1/20*ibw
am2    butterbp  asigm, ifqm2,   ifqm2/20*ibw
am3    butterbp  asigm, ifqm3,   ifqm3/20*ibw
am4    butterbp  asigm, ifqm4,   ifqm4/20*ibw
am5    butterbp  asigm, ifqm5,   ifqm5/20*ibw
am6    butterbp  asigm, ifqm6,   ifqm6/20*ibw
am7    butterbp  asigm, ifqm7,   ifqm7/20*ibw
am8    butterbp  asigm, ifqm8,   ifqm8/20*ibw
; Bandpass filter the carrier
ac1    butterbp  asigc, ifqc1,   ifqc1/20*ibw
ac2    butterbp  asigc, ifqc2,   ifqc2/20*ibw
ac3    butterbp  asigc, ifqc3,   ifqc3/20*ibw
ac4    butterbp  asigc, ifqc4,   ifqc4/20*ibw
ac5    butterbp  asigc, ifqc5,   ifqc5/20*ibw
ac6    butterbp  asigc, ifqc6,   ifqc6/20*ibw
ac7    butterbp  asigc, ifqc7,   ifqc7/20*ibw
ac8    butterbp  asigc, ifqc8,   ifqc8/20*ibw
; Balance carrier level to modulator level.
ao1    balance   ac1,  am1
ao2    balance   ac2,  am2
ao3    balance   ac3,  am3
ao4    balance   ac4,  am4
ao5    balance   ac5,  am5
ao6    balance   ac6,  am6
ao7    balance   ac7,  am7
ao8    balance   ac8,  am8
; Add up the carriers and output with panning.
aout   =         (ao1+ao2+ao3+ao4+ao5+ao6+ao7+ao8)*iamp/ibw
       outs      aout*sqrt(ipan), aout*sqrt(1-ipan)

; Zak Clear
          instr 99
          zacl 0, 50
          zkcl 0, 50

f1  0 65536  10 1
;   Sta  Dur  Amp  Rate  In  Out1  Out2
i3  0    8.69  1    1     11  1     2
;   Sta  Dur   Amp    Fqc   Pan  Out1  Out2  ModRate ModDepth
i5  0    4.1   10000  7.04  .5   3     4     1       .4
i5  0    4.1   10000  7.07  .8   3     4     1       .4
i5  0    4.1   10000  8.00  .5   3     4     1       .4
i5  0    4.1   10000  8.05  .1   3     4     1       .4
i5  4    4.59  10000  6.10  .5   3     4     1       .4
i5  4    4.59  10000  7.03  .2   3     4     1       .4
i5  4    4.59  10000  8.07  .5   3     4     1       .4
i5  4    4.59  10000  9.00  .9   3     4     1       .4

f10 0 8 -5 100  8 400
f11 0 8 -8 100  3 400  2 200 3 600
f12 0 8 -5 400  8 1600
f13 0 8 -7 400  8 1600
f14 0 8 -5 1600 8 6400
f15 0 8 -5 6400 8 1600
;   Sta  Dur   Amp  InM  InC  Pan  ModTable  CarTable  Width
i11 0    8.69  1.0  1    3    1    10        15        .5
i11 0    8.69  1.0  2    4    0    10        15        .5
i11 0    8.69  1.0  1    3    1    12        11        .5
i11 0    8.69  1.0  2    4    0    12        11        .5
i11 0    8.69  1.0  1    3    1    14        13        .5
i11 0    8.69  1.0  2    4    0    14        13        .5
;   Sta  Dur
i99 0    8.69