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Unlimited curiosity

Date1998-05-08 14:30
FromDavid Schuyeteneer
SubjectUnlimited curiosity

I would like to post some questions..

-  I think that contemporary composers of classical music were inspired by supernatural
   inspiration...As with any field of creation / inventions / development, it could be inspired  by afterlife souls.

- Emotions and music :  music/sound contain time-evolving patterns that fit in certain
  "emotion-patterns" and therefor activating certain according emotions....If  composers could do very serious and very CONSCIOUS research on that topic : an extremely new kind of music could be founded for the next centuries....music that would be EFFECTIVE. I think that electroacoustic music is the very first attempt towards that new music. Classical music was actually a first beginning.

- Music & Color for enhancing physical and mental health :  I don't mean the usual New-Age music here, I mean a new way of artists dealing with  their creations :  Im almost 100% sure that there must be a way to use color and sound to
stimulate/manipulate mental and physical settings of humans, animals and plants.

please give as much comments as possible...

- Csound is a great tool for that.  Ha !   ;-)
