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What's up with the FAQ?

Date1998-10-06 01:01
FromPaul Winkler
SubjectWhat's up with the FAQ?
Hi everyone,

I notice that the Csound FAQ has not been updated since 1995 and could
really be a lot more useful than it is. There's a few things I was
thinking of writing up to add to it (mostly a lot of links to more
information, of which there are many, but newbies won't necessarily know
where to look...)

I've written to Martin Dupras and not heard back. Is Martin out there
anywhere? Does he still maintain the FAQ? If I don't hear anything, I
may eventually just take matters into my own hands :)

I've seen occasional proposals on this list for other things to add to
the FAQ. If/when I get the time, I wouldn't mind adding some of those as


Date1998-10-06 16:51
FromBen McAllister
SubjectRe: What's up with the FAQ?
	There are a few resourses not updated on the web: the latest manual I can
find is 3.47, though I know a 3.48 exists online at Univ of Wash.  Also,
the "official" csound front page at leeds says 3.46 is the most recent..
etc etc.
	To whom do we address a request that the available information be updated?
 The mac ppc port isn't linked on this page, btw.  It seems like getting
started with the most recent version of csound would be a bit confusing;
everything is a bit decentralized.

At 08:01 PM 10/5/98 -0400, Paul Winkler wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>I notice that the Csound FAQ has not been updated since 1995 and could
>really be a lot more useful than it is. There's a few things I was
>thinking of writing up to add to it (mostly a lot of links to more
>information, of which there are many, but newbies won't necessarily know
>where to look...)
>I've written to Martin Dupras and not heard back. Is Martin out there
>anywhere? Does he still maintain the FAQ? If I don't hear anything, I
>may eventually just take matters into my own hands :)
>I've seen occasional proposals on this list for other things to add to
>the FAQ. If/when I get the time, I wouldn't mind adding some of those as

-----Ben McAllister
or.. benmca@sunhawk.com

Date1998-10-06 22:11
Fromrasmus ekman
SubjectFAQ and manuals
At 17:51 1998-10-06 , Ben McAllister wrote:
>	There are a few resourses not updated on the web: the latest manual I can
>find is 3.47, though I know a 3.48 exists online at Univ of Wash.  

The latest HTML version of the manual is at
it's on v3.48b1. This is the least unofficial manual.
There is also a (my) windows hlp file at
which is on version 3.48.

> To whom do we address a request that the available information be updated?


>everything is a bit decentralized.

Yes, thank goodness (and Jffitch et al). 

>At 08:01 PM 10/5/98 -0400, Paul Winkler wrote:
>>I notice that the Csound FAQ has not been updated since 1995 and could
>>really be a lot more useful than it is. 

There was a new FAQ initiative not long ago. The (well, a) FAQ team consisted 
of tolve , Marc Resibois  and myself 
with help and suggestions from Richard Boulanger 
(although I didn't do anything at all after initial encouragement).
It seems to have gotten stuck at half ready. The faq was loosely connected to 
the Csound book CD-rom release, and seems to have dropped into the same 
time-warp (what do you say friends?) There'll probably be another round soon 
enough. If I may speak for the team in this matter, I presume that suggestions 
and contributions are welcome.
