| drew & csounders,
WARNING: a long & winding post containing resources for us beginners!
Metrowerks offers a software tutorial "Discover Programming" for c for mac
at around $100 that also contains complete books on disk and info on
purchasing paper editions.
Metrowerks sales 1 800 377-5416
i checked this package out briefly about a year ago and enthusiastically
recommend it -in fact i hope to actually study it a bit very soon. only
catch is that programs you create will not run in native PPC mode: for that
you would buy Metrowerks CodeWarrior (seems to be the preferred package
among developers for C) imagine this or something similar is also available
for other platforms.
as discussed recently on this list, you also need some math, at least
through algebra, though calculus is essential for complete understanding of
what is currently understood about sound. here are some highlights of that
KIM recommended:
>the ProOne CDROM Algebra refresher is very useful (I tried finding the
>bookmark for them in Netscape but I think it's on my home PC)...as well as
>many brefresher workbooks that can be found at Barnes & Noble...
Hans Mikelson wrote:
>Calculus by Howard Anton pub. John Wiley & Sons
>This seemed to be the standard text when I took Calculus. I got my copy as
>a discarded text at our university bookstore for $1.00...that's only about
>10 cents a pound! I'm not sure how useful it will be as a self study but
>it is an excellent and thorough reference. It was used for a three
>semester calculus course.
>Mathcad is a pretty good inexpensive program for playing with math.
>If I had known complex numbers played such a big role in digital filters I
>would probably have been much more interested when I took a course in
>complex variables.
>Numerical analysis would also be a useful field of study.
Erik Spjut wrote:
>...If you want to understand HOW foscil works (as opposed to
>twiddling knobs or parameters) you need knowledge of Fourier series or
>transforms and Bessel functions, which requires a minimum of calculus and
>probably some complex algebra. If you want to know where physical models
>come from (and maybe design your own) you need to understand partial
>differential equations. There is nothing wrong with knob twiddling, but if
>that's all you do, there will be parts of digital synthesis that are
>forever hidden from you.
>However, Stradivarius was a lousy violinist and Issac Stern was never a
>world-class violin maker. The artist and the recording engineer are both
>necessary. The question ultimately boils down to your interests, desires,
>and abilities.
charles baker:
from David Boothe:
Here is one I'm using for algebra. It is short (178 pp)and succinct,
more of a reference book really, but good as a review, if like me, your
formal algebra study was long, long ago in a galaxy far away.
"Master Math: Algebra" by Debra Anne Ross. Career Press, 1996. ISBN:
1-56414-194-2 US$9.95
Career Press
3 Tice Rd.
P.O. Box 687
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, 07147
(800)CAREER-1 or (201)848-0310
They also have one on pre-calculus and geometry. Haven't seen it,
Charles Baker:
I very much recommend the first two chapters of
Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology, ed. by J. Strawn
{Digital Audio Signal Processing, An Anthology, ed. by John Strawn
The Computer Music and Digital Audio Series
William Kaufman, LosAltos, CA, publisher (1985)
ISBN 0-86576-082-9}
these are
"An Introduction to the Mathematics of Digital Signal Processing" by F.R.
"An Introduction the Digital Filter Theory" by J.O.Smith
They require no more than basic algebra to begin, and Dick Moore's chapter
the analytic geometry and calculus it uses in perhaps the clearest and most
gentle way I have ever seen! Heck, I am a *trumpet* player, and I understood!
;-) Similarly, I think Julius' intro to filter
theory is a model of clarity. Three thumbs up!
and the old standbys (year old prices):
Elements of Computer Music by F. Richard Moore published by Prentice Hall.
ISBN # 0-13-252-552-6 $64 plus tax and S&H
Author suggests prerequisite of knowledge of C language and music notation.
Available in the U.S. from Simon & Schuster Telephone: 800 947-7700
The Computer Music Tutorial by Curtis Roads published by MIT Press
U.S. Tel: 800 356-0343 extension 772 $55 in paperback.
Computer Music by Charles Dodge
brand new edition!
approximately $42
published by Macmillan. U.S. Telephone: 800 223-2336
more books on computer music...
oh yeah, there is also the csound manual. i usually forget to look at that!
happier csounding!
Drew Skyfyre wrote:
>,,,(speaking of which,can anyone recommend a good
>book/resource that would get a beginner started on serious programming
>in different languages?)
jean piche responded
>...there are now so many programming languages that it is very
>difficult to recommend one without asking: What do you want to program?
>For core
>signal processing apps (like Csound) or for clocked output (Midi
>sequencers), it
>is difficult to avoid C as this will yeild the most compact and efficient
>For interface purposes where speed is not critical, tcltk and java are
>both fine
>choices although I prefer the former. Lest we forget, lisp has much to
>it, including a full synthesis-processing-composing-notating system out of
>Stanford (CLM-CM-CMN)