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Re: Feedback Delay Network - Sean Costello

Date1999-10-21 16:50
FromSean Costello
SubjectRe: Feedback Delay Network - Sean Costello
Bill Gray wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> I saw your FDN orc on the list the other day and tried it out. Nice work.
> Would you pleease do a simple flowchart of it so I could better understand
> it's implementation?

I don't have any methods handy to do flowcharts right now. For a basic overview of what I am doing,
the following papers can explain it much better than I can:

Stautner, John and Puckette, Miller. "Designing Multi-Channel
Reverberators." Computer Music Journal, Vol. 6, No 1, Spring 1982. (also
in The Music Machine, edited by Curtis Roads, MIT Press, 1989)

Jot, Jean-Marc et Olivier Warusfel. "A Real-Time Spatial Sound Processor
for Music and Virtual Reality Applications." ICMC: International
Computer Music Conference, Septembre 1995.(available online at

Other Jot articles can be downloaded at

Davide Rocchesso, Julius O. Smith. "Circulant and Elliptic Feedback
Delay Networks for Artifical Reverberation." Published online at

The Rocchesso/Smith paper is the most relevant to the instrument I developed, as it uses a
scattering junction based on a single junction of 8 waveguides of equal characteristic impedance.
This makes the math MUCH simpler.

Hope this helps,