| Hello dear audience! (And ffitch especially..)
Would it be hard to code a repeat opcode that's not bounded to repeat
sections, like:
i31417 0 1 ; Find the hidden message! (I'm shure f1f0@m9ndfukc can =;p)
i. +
It would be *VERY* appreciated, and useful!
As I've mentioned once before on this list, I don't like working with
external tools, but prefer to code the score by hand, but as it lacks this
feature it could be quite tedious sometimes!
If this one thing get's implemented, it would almost be a joy to work with
the score! =)
Things got MUCH better with the macro, [x+y] and include statements, It's
just this simple thing left! (And a couple of others, like not having to
set brackets around calculations and stuff..)
(The thing is that if one want's to have a specific thing repeated now, you
can't have for example a global reverb running across the sections, not in
a way I know of..)
I just came up with a crazy idea here..
How about totally rewriting the score parsing, and....
.. nah .. :)
// Anders (Nature rewlz! Remember that Maver|k! =D) |