| I wasn't real clear before. All of the envelope generators in the manual
have both a "kr" version and an "ar" version:
kr linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
ar linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, icI...]]
kr expseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
ar expseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
kr linen kamp, irise, idur, idec
ar linen xamp, irise, idur, idec
kr linenr kamp, irise, idec, iatdec
ar linenr xamp, irise, idec, iatdec
kr envlpx kamp, irise, idur, idec, ifn, iatss, iatdec[, ixmod]
ar envlpx xamp, irise, idur, idec, ifn, iatss, iatdec[, ixmod]
Always use the "ar" version unless your need for speed overrides your need
for decent sound. If your "xamp" is changing, use an "a" instead of a "k"
The Fourier thing takes more time to explain than I have right now, but
here's one example:
Rather than use straight line segments like
f 1 0 256 7 0 128 1 0 -1 128 0
to generate a sawtooth, use a Fourier series like
f1 0 256 10 1 .5 .33333 .25 .2 .16667 .142835 .125 .11111 .1
and you'll find many fewer clicks and other horrible noises. (The phase is
probably off between these two but I don't have time to check.)
At 9:26 PM +0000 1/21/99, Jean-Michel =?UNKNOWN?Q?DARR=C9MONT?= wrote:
>Do you mean you never use those envelope generators?
>What do you use instead?
>How to use "band-limited Fourier approximations","higher-order polynomials"
>and "cubic splines"?
Erik Spjut (spyoot, rhymes with cute) - Associate Professor of Engineering
and Associate Director for Engineering Computing, Center for Design Education
Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711-5990 USA
Erik_Spjut@hmc.edu Ph & Voice mail (909) 607-3890 Fax (909) 621-8967