| Hi,
I was trying to make a sound like a miniature space craft as seen in various
movies, perhaps like "Batteries Not Included", the floating robot in
"Flubber" and assorted other levitating vehicles. I'm not sure it came out
quite right but I thought it sounded sort of cool.
Hans Mikelson
sr = 44100
kr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls= 2
; Miniship with AM
instr 8
idur = p3 ; Duration
iamp = p4 ; Amplitude
ifqc = cpspch(p5) ; Pitch to frequency
itab = p6 ; Waveform
iftb = p7 ; FM table 1
iffq = p8 ; FM frequency
iatb = p9 ; AM table
iafq = p10 ; AM frequency 1
iafq2 = p11 ; AM frequency 2
ifm2 = p12 ; FM frequency envelope
afm2 oscili 1, 1/idur, ifm2 ; Frequency envelope
adklk linseg 0, .005, iamp, idur-.01, iamp, .005, 0 ; Declick
afqc oscili 1, iffq*afm2, iftb ; FM oscillator 1
aam1 oscili 1, iafq*afm2, iatb ; AM oscillator for oscil
aam2 oscili 1, iafq2*afm2, iatb, .25 ; AM oscillator for filtered noise
anz1 rand 1 ; Noise source for FM
anz2 rand aam2 ; Noise source for filtering
asig oscil aam1, ifqc*(1+anz1/2)*afqc, itab ; Main FM oscillator
asig2 rezzy anz2*2, ifqc, 40 ; Filter the noise with resonant LP
outs (asig+asig2)*.8*adklk, (asig+asig2)*.8*adklk ; Sum signals and
f1 0 65536 10 1
f2 0 65536 10 1 .2 .1 .3
f3 0 65536 10 1 .0 .1 .0 .1
f4 0 65536 10 1 .0 .4 .0 .3 0 .2 0 .1
f4 0 65536 10 1 .0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .1
f10 0 1024 -7 .5 512 4 512 .5
f11 0 1024 -7 1 256 1.5 256 1.5 256 .5 256 1
f12 0 1024 -7 .5 512 2 512 .5
f20 0 1024 7 0 256 1 256 .5 256 0 256 0
f21 0 1024 7 .5 256 .7 256 1 256 .7 256 .9
f22 0 1024 7 0 128 0 128 1 128 0 128 0 256 1 256 0
f23 0 1024 7 .8 256 .7 256 .5 256 1 256 .6
; Sta Dur Amp Pitch Table FTable FFqc ATable AFqc AFqc2 FM2Tab
i8 0 20 10000 8.00 4 10 25 20 24.5 25 21
i8 8 18 15000 7.00 3 12 12 20 24.5 25 23
i8 16 10 20000 8.10 3 12 35 20 34.9 34.8 21